Category: Tips

52 Stress Reducers

Reading Time: < 1 minute52 Proven Stress Reducers from the American Lung Association. I immediately took the advice of tip 10: “Don’t put up with something that doesn’t work right. If your alarm clock wallet, shoe laces, windshield wipers-whatever-are a constant aggravation, get them fixed or get new ones.” I’ve literally had *enough* of my annoying, loud alarm…
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How To Discover Music You Like (For Free!)

Reading Time: 3 minutesOver the last few years, I’d say that my musical taste has expanded quite a bit. I now listen to artists and genres that I probably wouldn’t have given a chance before. This is in large part to my Rhapsody subscription. Rhapsody can recommend music in a few different ways: My Rhapsody – recommends new…
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Digital Enlightenment: Using the Internet for Research, Learning, and Education

Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve been using the Internet since 1993. But, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I truly started using the net for research purposes. One of my key interests is philosophy, and I’ve learned quickly that it’s helpful to have easy access to a wide variety and volume of information. I’ve been collecting a…
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Converting RSS Reader XML to OPML

Reading Time: 2 minutesA little over a year ago I started using RSSReader to manage all of my RSS feeds. In that time, I’ve acculated a little over 100 different feeds. Since I recently switched over to a Mac I started searching for a comparable solution. One that immediately impressed me was Vienna for Mac OS X. I…
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Enabling plain text login for UW IMAP

Reading Time: 2 minutesI recently had the fun task of upgrading IMAP on one of my older Linux servers. This server doesn’t get much use lately and I’m sad to say that I hadn’t upgraded the IMAP daemon since around 2000(IMAP4rev1 beta). Last night I noticed that I was unable to retrieve or delete any messages due to…
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My Fat Tire Obsession: Finding Fat Tire Beer in LA

Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve never been too much of a beer fan, but I definitely do like darker beers, or beer with more flavor than your typical Bud. I experienced Fat Tire for the first time 2 years ago while visiting Denver, Colorado, and since that time I’ve been mildly obsessed with finding this beer in Los Angeles.…
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Removing the login prompt from the Eclipse Koders plugin

Reading Time: 2 is a search engine for open source code. I’ve been aware of this service for sometime and find it very useful on occasion to locate different code snippets. I know that they started offering plugins for various IDEs and figured that I’d give the Eclipse plugin a shot. My first impression of the plugin…
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Tools/tips for helping with organization

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHere are some tools and suggestions to help organize projects, documentation, etc. I’ve tried a lot of things in the past, but here are some things that I’ve been doing recently: Project Management I’ve been using a program called GoalCentrix for the past 6 months. I’m pretty happy with it, but I still prefer using…
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Adding navigator filters to Eclipse 2.x

Reading Time: 2 minutesFor the last year or so, I’ve been using Eclipse as my IDE. One limitation that I’ve noticed with Eclipse 2.1 is the inability to customize file extention filters. These filters are important because every time you checkout files from the CVS repository a new CVS subdirectory is created. And, each time you recompile, there…
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