Category: History

Timeline of Major Trends and Events (Social, Technological, Economic & Political)

Reading Time: < 1 minute I found a unique and visually stunning infographic on FlickR today: Timeline of Major Trends and Events (Social, Technological, Economic & Political) Peter von Stackelberg designed this complex timeline of social, technological, economic and political events and trends from 1750 to 2100. Each time series shows graphs, events and categories on a common scale. Peter…
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Time and Time Again

Reading Time: < 1 minute Over the last couple years, I’ve collected links to a number of sites that offer timeline-based browsing and thought I would share. Many of these sites are quite helpful for a number of areas of research, and help put many events into context and historical perspective: From Cave Paintings to the Internet (Formerly From…
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World History Timeline – WOW!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Now this is an amazing timeline poster! I’d like to see somebody try to create a digital version of this using Simile Timeline. 😉

Visual History of Religion

Reading Time: < 1 minute Maps of War has created a visual timeline of the History of Religion. It’s interesting to see 5,000 years of history in 90 seconds. Check it out.