Category: Visualization

Neurosky Brainwave Visualizer

Reading Time: 3 minutes I recently purchased a Neurosky Windwave EEG device ($100 model).  The Mindwave measures your brain’s electrical activity, and can detect your level of focus (attention vs. mediation) and measure typical brainwave patterns (beta, alpha, theta, and delta).  There are a number games included, and a wide range of ones to download from their appstore.  I…
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The Visual Wiki: A New Metaphor For Knowledge Access and Management

Reading Time: < 1 minute Truly fascinating work! This is next on my list for my Personal Memex. And, the original paper on Scribd: The Visual Wiki: A New Metaphor for Knowledge Access and Management Publish at Scribd or explore others: School Work Essays & Theses Non-fiction web 2.0

15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management

Reading Time: 9 minutes I’ve discovered a number of interesting applications that help people efficiently organize information. There certainly is no shortage of solutions for this problem domain. Many tools exist that offer the ability to discover, save, organize, search, and retrieve information.

Building the Memex Sixty Years Later: Trends and Directions in Personal Knowledge Bases

Reading Time: 2 minutes By shear serendipity (ala Google), I stumbled across a truly great paper on Personal Knowledge Management. The paper, titled Building the Memex Sixty Years Later: Trends and Directions in Personal Knowledge Bases, is undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive pieces of literature that I’ve read on PKM (Personal Knowledge Management). This paper was written by…
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ThinkBase: Visual Semantic Wiki

Reading Time: < 1 minute Thanks again to, I discovered an amazing site today called Thinkbase. “Thinkbase is a new way to navigate and explore information on the web. It is what we call a ‘Visual Wiki’. It is based on Freebase, an open, shared database of the world’s knowledge – in other words a Semantic Wiki. Thinkbase uses…
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JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT)

Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve been personally waiting for something like this for a while…. What is JIT? The JIT is an advanced JavaScript infovis toolkit based on 5 papers about different information visualization techniques. The JIT implements advanced features of information visualization like Treemaps (with the slice and dice and squarified methods), an adapted visualization of trees based…
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The Best Tools for Visualization

Reading Time: < 1 minute ReadWriteWeb has posted a fantastic (and detailed) list of tools for information visualization: “Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you…
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Social Media Information Flow – The Complexity of the Web 2.0 World

Reading Time: < 1 minute The other day, ReadWriteWeb posted an interesting article on Visualizing Social Media Fatigue. “Our attention is stretched so thin these days that there are times when I have actually tried to register for what I thought was a new service only to realize later that I already had an account — it just got lost…
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Burst – Visual Music Search Interface

Reading Time: < 1 minute Information Aesthetics recently posted about a new music visualization interface from Burst Labs. And, here’s a quick summary from NotCot: “The Discover interface of Burst Labs is mesmerizingly brilliant ~ and there’s a melody for every mood you could possibly feel or imagine, and truly one of the most refreshing flashy user experiences i’ve encountered…
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Speedlinks Using and Yahoo Pipes

Reading Time: 3 minutes Last week I started adding SpeedLinks to this blog. I’ve been looking for a good excuse to experiment with Yahoo Pipes for some time now. So, I wanted to find out if I could take the concept of the original Perl script I found, and create a pipe to do all the work (with little,…
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