My Fat Tire Obsession: Finding Fat Tire Beer in LA

My Fat Tire Obsession: Finding Fat Tire Beer in LA

I’ve never been too much of a beer fan, but I definitely do like darker beers, or beer with more flavor than your typical Bud. I experienced Fat Tire for the first time 2 years ago while visiting Denver, Colorado, and since that time I’ve been mildly obsessed with finding this beer in Los Angeles.
In the past year I’ve been noticing a lot more bars that have been getting Fat Tire on tap. And today, I was surprised to find that a local Bristol Farms is selling it by the six pack. I’ve decided to put together a consolidated list of all locations in the LA area that sell Fat Tire on tap (bars or restaurants), beer distributors, and grocery stores (I can hear my wife laughing at me now). Hopefully, this list will help other obsessed Fat Tire newbies in their quest to get their Fat Tire fix 😉
This listing is using a new service that I recently came across, called CommunityWalk. CommunityWalk is a nifty service that uses Google Maps to help you plot locations and share maps. Enjoy…..[ZX9-118.1T;X0

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One Response

  1. Richard Johnston says:

    I recently visited Aurora, CO and I tried Fat Tire beer. I really enjoy the taste. I was wondering if this beer is sold in the Midwest or pass Miss. river. I live near Dayton, Ohio. I would appreciate it if I could find where I can get some.

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