Author: ericblue

Hike To Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas

Reading Time: < 1 minute I went on a short vacation last weekend to Vegas with Chantelle’s family. On our last day there we went on a fantastic hike to Red Rock Canyon, which was about a 25-30 minute drive from the strip. We decided to go on the Calico Tanks trail. Although it was only 2.5 miles, it was…
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Dataesthetics: The Power and Beauty of Data Visualization

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of my areas of interest that has grown over the last couple years has been data visualization. I’m a visually-oriented learner, and I look forward to seeing any techniques, illustrations, or technologies that: 1) Allow people to assimilate information as fast as possible. 2) Deepen understanding of knowledge by visually illustrating data in new…
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Getting Daily Emails From Plato and Nietzsche?

Reading Time: < 1 minute For the past week, I’ve been spending a very short amount of time per day reading The Republic and Beyond Good and Evil. What’s unique about this is the fact that I’m getting this content via email. A new website called DailyLit is now offering access to over 200+ public domain ebooks (complete list here).…
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Analyzing Models of Change

Reading Time: < 1 minute Since my last post, The Ebb and Flow of Goals and Personal Growth, I’ve been digging deeper into the complex subject of change. I read a great post yesterday at The Practice of Leadership blog, titled The structures and tensions required to make change. George Ambler reviews 3 models/formulas dealing with change: The Paradigm Shift…
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Digital Enlightenment: Using the Internet for Research, Learning, and Education

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve been using the Internet since 1993. But, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I truly started using the net for research purposes. One of my key interests is philosophy, and I’ve learned quickly that it’s helpful to have easy access to a wide variety and volume of information. I’ve been collecting a…
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Comprehensive List of Knowledge Management and Mind Mapping Software

Reading Time: < 1 minute While I was putting together my list of online resources for learning and research, I came across a great site. has created a comprehensive list of knowledge management and mind/concept mapping products at:

Visual Network Tools for Investors and Companies

Reading Time: < 1 minute I just finished reading an amazingly interesting article on Guy Kawasaki’s blog titled ‘Venture Capital Network Mapping’. A company called GroupScope has released a product named LinkSViewer that will (according to their website): “… explore networks of not only Investors and Companies, but also of personnel interlock networks with Board Members and Management Teams. Additional…
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The Ebb and Flow of Goals and Personal Growth

Reading Time: 5 minutes I had a bit of an epiphany today, and thought I would share. But first, a little background…. Background Nearly 10 years ago I was at a crossroad. At that time I had some very tough decisions to make and had to seriously evaluate whether or not I should further my education or focus full-time…
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Philosophical videos on the web

Reading Time: < 1 minute I found a great post on today. This blog post, Online Videos of Philosophical Lectures, has a great collection of videos and lectures focusing on cognitive computing, consciousness, ethics, and evolution.

When Does Hoax "Journalism" Go Too Far?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today I happened to open up my RSS reader as I normally do and proceeded to read one of the more interesting Blogs I follow: Tim Boucher’s Pop Occulture. The latest article definitely caught my eye: Mel Gibson: Passion of the Terrorist ( In a nutshell, the article had cited a credible source (BBC News)…
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