Blogging in 2019? Looking Forward and a 15-Year Retrospective

Blogging in 2019? Looking Forward and a 15-Year Retrospective

Let me start by saying, where in the world does time fly?! Getting a new personal website refresh done and porting over hundreds of blog posts from the last 15 years was long overdue – 5 years by my count. So, better late than never!

Blogging seems to be a thing of the past for many – our lives have been taken over by Facebook and other social media sites (myself included). And, these have been the launching points of our social connections, musings and where our original content is centralized. I’m not sure that’s going to change anytime soon. But, I think there is still something to be said for being able to maintain your own online presence – Not only having some control over your personal brand, but having the opportunity to get back to creating more in depth, personal content; it’s length and focus might be a little too content heavy by most standards due to our limited attention spans these days. But, now more than ever, I think it’s important to be able to continue to share personal, in depth writings and keep a curated history of ongoing thoughts, interests and projects.

It’s interesting to look back at my personal bios from 2011, and then again back in 2004. My interests have shifted, of course, over the last decade since I dove into my 2nd major phase of blogging in 2008 (with lots of content on my big 3 concerns – technology, philosophy, and personal development). Will I continue to write about those things? Possibly. But, I’ve also carved out considerable mind share since then focusing on health & fitness (I’m a workout fanatic in such a way that my self from 2008 couldn’t have imagined), entrepreneurship, creativity & flow, sensor technology. And, who knows the next ‘big thing’ coming up. Here’s to 2019 and seeing where the next decade of content takes us!

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