Question to the Readers: Interest in Weekly Life Stream Feeds?

Ever since I started using Twitter, I think it’s safe to say that my blog posts (and even my own consumption of other RSS feeds) has slightly decreased. Now, that’s not to say that I don’t have some stellar upcoming posts planned but the frequency has been less.
To sort of ‘fill in the gaps’ I thought it might be interesting to supplement my usual monthly posts with my weekly LifeStream updates ( saves, twitter updates, etc.).
Now the question…. Do you find these weekly posts useful?
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3 Responses
Okay with me, although I was already following you on FriendFeed so I get the same feed through either interface. I prefer the interface of the weekly posts (via RSS) actually – much more compact than FriendFeed’s. It would be nice to filter out certain sources that don’t interest me (e.g. – it’s nothing personal but I don’t really care what music you listen to. And then there is the whole “listening to one end of a phone conversation” thing with Twitter (I don’t have a Twitter account myself), but with the RSS feed it is easy to skim over your brain’s recent I/O as it were.
I like the lifestream updates as I always find interesting stuff. My vote is to keep them, but please drop the updates…
Thanks for the feedback! I originally questioned putting in, but agree it sort of ‘muddies the water’ (or stream as it were).