Weekly Lifestream for December 17th
Published Weekly Lifestream for December 10th. | |
Listened to Sparclin Coconuts – D. Batistatos. | |
Glenn Beck is either insane, an imbecile, or a genius. Take your pick….. [ericblue] | |
Beck and O’Reilly together seems like stirring a big ole’ pot of crazy [ericblue] | |
The All-Seeing E is back for a limited time [ericblue] | |
The origin of the logo? the Eric Conspiracy Theory… funny geek humor http://catb.org/~esr/ecsl/ [ericblue] | |
Can I send our requirements to your fax? Love it! http://www.dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-12-10/ [ericblue] | |
Dealing with rain and cold… am I back on the east coast? [ericblue] | |
Voyage Turns Your Firefox History into a Visual Map http://lifehacker.com/5424135/voyage-turns-your-firefox-history-into-a-visual-map [ericblue] | |
Published iPhone Apps for Education. | |
iPhone apps for education http://eric-blue.com/2009/12/12/iphone-apps-for-education/ [ericblue] | |
Catching up on Fringe….. loving that show [ericblue] | |
Experimenting with "knowledge management on the go" – setting up my wiki on my iphone [ericblue] | |
Looking forward to taking some time off around the new year… I suppose I should tell my work of my plans [ericblue] | |
Shared rsnapshot. | |
Just enabled memcached caching on my Wiki… what a difference in speed [ericblue] | |
Prescience or Persistence? I’m definitely banking on sheer persistence. [ericblue] | |
Published Knowlege To Go: Put Your Wiki On Your IPhone. | |
New Blog Post – Knowlege To Go: Put Your Wiki On Your IPhone http://eric-blue.com/?p=932 [ericblue] | |
Shared Discussion Forum – Integral NHNE. | |
Shared 72 Project Management Tips. | |
RT @ryanhurd: Feeling bogged down? Sometimes Productivity is Counter-productive http://bit.ly/6c4MzB [ericblue] | |
Shared edtechpost – PLE Diagrams. | |
Awesome collection of PLE (Personal Learning Environment) diagrams http://edtechpost.wikispaces.com/PLE+Diagrams [ericblue] | |
Humor: The Lifecycle of Innovation http://cilinc.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/innovation_cartoon1.jpg [ericblue] | |
Shared pkm – Barbara Fillip on Diigo. | |
Listened to Global Warning – Mekkanikka. | |
RT @retrogrrl: (pic) Behold! The awesome science of mindmapping *chuckle* http://bit.ly/5lNEda [ericblue] | |
Figuring out how to funnel my creativity for the rest of the week. It’s funny that I sometimes worry that the streak runs out too soon…. [ericblue] | |
After years of reading about peak states/performance, mental judo, etc. "I" still have no real control over periods of extreme creativity [ericblue] | |
Totally amazed with the Ubiquity extension for Firefox http://bit.ly/4UfJn [ericblue] | |
testing my tweet from ubiquity [ericblue] | |
I am totally enamored with Ubiquity for Firefox. Talk about a major productivity boost. https://mozillalabs.com/ubiquity/ [ericblue] | |
RT @WilliamHarryman: Dinosaurs Sadly Extinct Before Invention Of Bazooka | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source http://ff.im/-cXqvx [ericblue] | |
RT @adamsicinski: How to Do Something Even When You Don’t Feel Like Doing It – http://ow.ly/MuPd (writing it down, underlining w/ asterisks) [ericblue] | |
Starting to download, index, and search my online data (bookmarks, web history, etc). Taking back my digital life [ericblue] | |
Wondering if there’s a way to export all Google Web History data. The web history export in RSS Format only seems to download ~ 1,000 items [ericblue] | |
Watching and liking The Sing Off – it’s like American Idol meets Glee acapella style [ericblue] | |
Manual hack to download (rss+html) 2 years (~20,000) of Google Web History data… SLURP. Deleting from the cloud…. my data. [ericblue] | |
How to backup your twitter archive http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-backup-your-twitter-archive/ [ericblue] | |
Backup Delicious bookmarks from the shell http://lifehacker.com/5136845/backup-delicious-bookmarks-from-the-shell (wow, 1.6MB of bookmarks) [ericblue] | |
RT @c4chaos: 5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2009 | FlowingData ~http://bit.ly/4wLb4K [ericblue] | |
Shared Workout Plans – Men’s Health. | |
RT @_Brian_Johnson: Do you Mind Map? Blogged a video on "How I Mind Map" you might like! http://bit.ly/5cZK8s [ericblue] |
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