Weekly Lifestream for December 11th
RT @tonyrobbins: Crazy! Scientists find monster black hole, 10 billion times larger than our Sun! http://t.co/CTaImsfx [ericblue] | |
Shared Geo Distance Search with MySQL. | |
Shared davetroy/geohash-js – GitHub. | |
RT @accarmichael: OMG I just found my winter learning project – almost 100 free courses on the brain and cognitive sciences from MIT htt … [ericblue] | |
RT @lifehacker: Use your voice to control even more of you iPhone’s functions with WakeSmarter, a feature-filled alarm clock app: http:/ … [ericblue] | |
RT @OReillyMedia: ‘Net Worth: Social networks place a value on their users: $38 entire dollars http://t.co/zlEyG7IH /gg [ericblue] | |
Hey now, I’m worth more than $38. Some of my tweets are just priceless! 🙂 [ericblue] | |
LOL ultimate words of wisdom [ericblue] | |
Ruby hurts my brain… must be too old… moving on [ericblue] | |
I already know 5 languages… not sure there’s room for another [ericblue] | |
What children’s drawings would look like if it were painted realistically http://t.co/tRc5r9M4 via @c4chaos [ericblue] | |
RT @roygrubb: Twitter takes on Facebook and Google+ with focus on profiles http://t.co/yz4LTnz8 [ericblue] | |
Didn’t work out at all for 7 days straight & felt like a slacker. But, just came from my strongest workout in 3 months. Lesson: rest = good! [ericblue] | |
RT @erigentry: RT @futuremedtech Brilliant…@Pogue: Four Augmented-Reality Apps that Don’t Exist but Should: http://t.co/yvjxlMyj #quan … [ericblue] | |
RT @WirelessHealth1: Yikes! @Jawbone Cancels All Pending UP Orders, Refunds Unhappy Owners http://t.co/1Ng7lBzt via @agaricus #quantif … [ericblue] | |
I’m lucky my UP has survived so far. I’m really hoping it makes a turnaround and comes on top. I love my Fitbit but it has great potential. [ericblue] | |
LinkedIn really does have an impressive list of open source contributions http://t.co/mX89GGLV [ericblue] | |
I’m SUPER Impressed w/ iThoughts mindmapping app for iPhone! It sync w/ Dropbox + does MindManager, XMind & FreeMind http://t.co/7lOgsSrL [ericblue] | |
Quantified Awesome: 116 web resources for Quantified Self via @sachac – http://t.co/mVNvZ8KT – Glad to see I made #19! #QuantifiedSelf [ericblue] |
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