Weekly Lifestream for December 4th
It appears the UP is recording data at 1min intervals [ericblue] | |
Heading out for lunch and a leisurely afternoon… more hacking later tonight [ericblue] | |
Wrote up detailed notes on the Jawbone UP API today for myself. All data is available. Debating on publishing right way.. will sleep on it [ericblue] | |
by right way I, of course, meant right away 🙂 time for bed [ericblue] | |
Posted Jawbone UP API Discovery. | |
Project HiJack – Creating a cubic-inch peripheral sensor ecosystem for the mobile phone http://t.co/r0fnnZgX [ericblue] | |
Simultaneously expanding my Twitter follows and pruning some facebook status updates [ericblue] | |
20 Fitness Myths http://t.co/wfQfnFIv [ericblue] | |
RT @OReillyMedia: Spare the Messenger: ‘Information Diet’ author @cjoh on how your bad tech habits are your own. http://t.co/Q8iF9Wf9 vi … [ericblue] | |
RT @mdbraber: This is so extremely cool: a new cane for the blind with @foursquare, Bluetooth, sonar and GPS http://t.co/5UNpaSBw [ericblue] | |
Shared Prelaunch. | |
Shared Five Best VPN Service Providers. | |
Shared Amazon CloudFront. | |
geek question of the day: gearman or beanstalkd for queueing and job execution? [ericblue] | |
Shared Apache Kafka. | |
Shared robey/kestrel – GitHub. | |
Shared Index. | |
RT @HealthGrid: New Harvard app counts calories on a plate http://t.co/fQEVoRqP via @BostonDotCom #mhealth #healthyapps [ericblue] | |
Swimming in a Sea of Mystery… sounds like a good song title [ericblue] | |
The Bacon Mug… a mug made out of bacon filled with cheddar cheese… http://t.co/3QvnqmIp don’t know if I’m feeling hungry or mortified [ericblue] | |
Thinking of more Jawbone UP hacking… it would be cool to pull data directly off the UP via the headphone jack. Need to decipher protocol [ericblue] | |
RT @erigentry: RT @accarmichael: What I Learned From QS Europe #qs2011 http://t.co/SBrUHS2v [ericblue] | |
RT @wwjimd: Digital Narcotics May Be the Future of Drugs http://t.co/xOQY6oo2 #transhuman #posthuman #hplus [ericblue] | |
Such resistance to go to the gym tonight… Thankfully I’m stubborn…. Against my own resistance! [ericblue] | |
Changed my trend from LA to worldwide hoping for an improvement… nope, still fairly idiotic [ericblue] | |
fairly idiotic….. that’s almost like mildly outrageous [ericblue] | |
off to bed soon… lots going on but I’m thinking of comparing results of Jawbone UP vs. Fitbit vs. Zeo. Should be interesting. [ericblue] | |
RT @newscientist: All-seeing "ball of Sauron" snaps panoramas in mid-air http://t.co/h2G5S7Kd [ericblue] | |
RT @erigentry: Aussie hacks voice recognition app, Siri, to power home devices http://t.co/DC64rHN8 [ericblue] | |
New favorite show … the Big Bang Theory [ericblue] | |
RT @jplattel: Nice article by the Guardian about #QS2011: http://t.co/onH9nuMk #quantifiedself [ericblue] | |
Pulling down "silent" GPS history from my iPhone to fill in my self-tracking gaps http://t.co/GRj4kvXN [ericblue] | |
Tinkering this weekend and hacking away at the Jawbone UP API http://t.co/52mQ1VJM Still discovering more… [ericblue] | |
RT @cyberandy: I love the Internet, my Brainwaves and…standing on the shoulders of giants (@ericblue did exactly what I had in mind) h … [ericblue] | |
Thought of the day – "Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” [ericblue] | |
RT @e_ramirez: @ericblue I prefer this – "Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – stop thinking and start doing." [ericblue] | |
Released an updated version of Mindstream (Neurosky) – fixed issue with saving CSV files http://t.co/Ya9AKASv [ericblue] |
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