Weekly Lifestream for October 23rd

Weekly Lifestream for October 23rd

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My #quantifiedself Show & Tell presentation on my experience with Lifelogging & Location Tracking @ the LA meetup http://t.co/XYXz0Udl [ericblue]
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Last chance to backup or migrate your old delicious bookmarks from the original site (expires 10/21) http://t.co/eptRMJ45 [ericblue]
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RT @leftyshields: Forget your iPhone touchscreen. This is the future of computer interaction. Just amazing. http://t.co/NllngPng [ericblue]
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Limits are negotiable. [ericblue]
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RT @sfullick: "It is one light which beams out of a thousand stars." Gotta love #Emerson. [ericblue]
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Funny time at work today.. co-worker asked Apple Siri – How much wood can a woodchuck chuck? And … there was an answer 🙂 [ericblue]
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Web Apps: Sleeptiming Helps You Calculate When You Need to Go to Bed in Order to Sleep Well – @Lifehacker http://t.co/RMgKy5i5 [ericblue]
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