Weekly Lifestream for May 29th

Weekly Lifestream for May 29th

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I’m attending The Quantified Self Conference 2011, 28th-29th May 2011 in Mountain View http://t.co/8Wutwj8 via @lanyrd [ericblue]
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I now have basic geolocation reporting and mapping in my self-tracking tool… it’s starting to shape up nicely [ericblue]
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RT @roygrubb: A free download, and a must for visual communicators: Guide to visualization & info design for advocacy http://ow.ly/50hm4 … [ericblue]
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RT @DZone: Eureka! Google breakthrough makes SSL less painful – http://dzone.com/JwLK@DZone Big Link by dotCore [ericblue]
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Wrapping up loose ends before a big vacation… lotsa wrapping, lotsa ends ๐Ÿ™‚ [ericblue]
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Why do people worry about managing time when they really need to focus on managing themselves? [ericblue]
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RT @DZone: Introducing the Google Places API – http://dzone.com/3s7g@DZone Big Link by <a href="mailto:ddewaele@gmail.com”>ddewaele@gmail.com [ericblue]
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Totally unplugging… Temporarily disabling email + cal on iPhone while I’m off…… Relaxing! [ericblue]
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You know not to mess with a spider if even the cat stays away [ericblue]
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The most I’ve worked out in 2 weeks… not sure if my back appreciates my enthusiasm [ericblue]
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I have a new name for my project… more to come in a few days [ericblue]
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RT @AlexGoodall: The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next – Ursula K. … [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: To be a real philosopher all that is necessary is to hate some one else’s type of thinking. ~ William James [ericblue]
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RT @lifehacker: We’ve all been in "the zone" before. Yogi Berra shares his wisdom on how to use it to your advantage: http://lifehac.kr/ … [ericblue]
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How can you think and hit at the same time? …. Love it!! [ericblue]
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Funny… I’m on vacation and my personal site decides to start having periodic load/mysql issues. No rest for the weary. [ericblue]
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Programming thought of the day? Why do so many people spend so much time looking for null when it doesn’t exist? [ericblue]
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Temescal Canyon is calling [ericblue]
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RT @quantifiedself: Hello everyone! I hope you’re ready for the #QuantifiedSelf Conference this weekend! Official hashtag: #QS2011 [ericblue]
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Off to my wife’s work (Animal Wellness Centers) for a book signing. I heard some celebrities and Extra may be there. Hope I’m not on TV ๐Ÿ™‚ [ericblue]
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The book is The Bond by Wayne Pacelle http://bit.ly/k9l6aj
2 seconds ago ยท LikeUnlike [ericblue]
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3 hours to go until my Quantified Self "reveal" [ericblue]
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TRAQS.me – Tools for Reporting & Analysis of the Quantified Self – my personal project for self-tracking http://traqs.me/ #QS2011 #preview [ericblue]
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Loving the Quantified Self conference… Great material and people! #qs2011 [ericblue]
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One of the most exciting days I’ve had in a while… Heading to the Hacker’s Dojo tonight… Watch out ๐Ÿ™‚ #QS2011 [ericblue]
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Looking forward to day two – Quantified Self conference #QS2011 [ericblue]
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RT @sgdean: Yes! @agaricus says next QS Conference we will do experiments on entrainment #QS2011 [ericblue]
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