Weekly Lifestream for February 18th

Weekly Lifestream for February 18th

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All dressed up on my way to my wife’s jobs launch party in Santa Monica… Red carpet… Possible celebs. Only in Cali! [ericblue]
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Holy party … 200+ people [ericblue]
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Longest I’ve slept in in years….. good thing I’m off today šŸ™‚ [ericblue]
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RT @flowingdata: "The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life." – Jessica … [ericblue]
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Having an early V-day dinner at the Enoteca Tuscana wine bistro in Camarillo… Good stuff [ericblue]
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RT @KittenRescue: AWWWW Alert! http://ow.ly/16jFu | Homeless Man Reunited With His Cat [ericblue]
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RT @grahamenglish: Iā€™m . . . Speechless http://ff.im/-fSDy1 | God I have a weakness for Don’t Stop Believin’ mashups [ericblue]
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Making some minor updates to my blog… added a new header image http://eric-blue.com/images/blog_header_new.gif [ericblue]
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Unique V-Day shopping list: Lolcat card, Malibu toffee, chocolate covered bacon, Mighty Arrow, and some Syrah from the Hitching Post [ericblue]
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I am happy to announce that I have discovered the formula for true happiness: chocolate + bacon = heaven; my honey does not agree though [ericblue]
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Some Carlin humour before I sign off [ericblue]
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Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all?" [ericblue]
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Is there another word for synonym? [ericblue]
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Is it true that cannibals don’t eat clowns because they taste funny? [ericblue]
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What was the best thing before sliced bread? [ericblue]
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Hiked ~5mi today near dirt Mullholand … back help up pretty well. Hoping to do another one next weekend. [ericblue]
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Feels like one of those weeks were I might be too busy to alleviate being too busy. Being a GTD ninja only helps so much sometimes. [ericblue]
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Blocking off some time tonight to evaluate what I can say No to and what I should say Yes to [ericblue]
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This hit the del.icio.us popular list: The Relation of Science and Religion http://bit.ly/cGAG by Richard Feynman [ericblue]
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Time to end the meeting madness: Triple-booked once today and double-booked another [ericblue]
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Changing Outlook to send an automatic decline if I’m booked. fun times. [ericblue]
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RT @DrCarlHindy: Are you a procrastinator or an incubator? (CNN) -They outwardly look similar but are quite different. http://viigo.im/2s0P [ericblue]
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Finally updated my LinkedIn biz profile pic http://tweetphoto.com/11743221 [ericblue]
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The Hidden Art of Achieving Creative Flow http://zenhabits.net/2010/02/creative-flow/ [ericblue]
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Awesome, just got the fail whale… haven’t seen that dude in a while [ericblue]
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Trying Indonesian food for the 1st time [ericblue]
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