PhilosophersNotes: Get Your Wisdom On!

PhilosophersNotes: Get Your Wisdom On!

It’s about time I spread the news about this truly great site!  Brian Johnson, entrepreneur and philosopher at heart, has created a new site/service called PhilosopherNotes.  What is PhilosophersNotes?

Think: Mini-CliffsNotes for Self-Development Books! 🙂

“Brian’s always been passionate about understanding what makes great people great and applying the truths they embodied to make his little dent in the universe.
After selling his last business (Zaadz) and traveling for a bit, Brian decided to give himself a Ph.D. in Optimal Living with a Specialization in Greatness and Bliss.
He figured he’d get a Master’s when he’d distilled 100 of his favorite books into concise, fun, inspiring summaries. Then, on a flight from Tokyo to LA, he had one of those “Aha!/hallelujah!!” moments when he opened the SkyMall to an ad for a company that summarized business books for “busy executives.” He decided someone should do summaries of self-development books for the “busy self-actualizer” and that that someone should be him. ☺”

I’ve gone through quite a few of the summaries so far(6 pg PDFs + 20 min MP3s), and have to say I’m super impressed!  Now, here comes the great news….. you can signup and get 25 titles ….. for FREE!  Yes, free.
Click here to get signed up.

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One Response

  1. hey eric:
    thx for your support!!!
    LOVE the focus of your site!! “Technology, Philosophy, and Personal Development”
    who does *that*?!? awesome. 🙂
    to the greatest year of our lives,

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