My New Blog on Zaadz

Apparently, I haven’t been busy enough on this blog. So, I decided to create a second blog (Inspire’s Blog on Zaadz)! I’ve been following Zaadz for some time and decided that I need to join the community, and start collaborating. For those of you who haven’t discovered Zaadz yet, here is the quick description:
“…. (Zaadz is in) the process of building THE most inspired community of people in the world…social networking with a purpose, a community of seekers and conscious entrepreneurs circulating wisdom and inspiration and wealth and all that good stuff. We’re passionate about inspiring and empowering people to bring their dreams to life, learning and growing and getting paid to do what they love, using their greatest gifts in the greatest service to the world. (And having fun in the process!)”
I plan on keeping this blog format (if you can call it a format) the same. My main topics will continue to be on technology, personal development, organization, philosophy (nothing too deep), information visualization, mind mapping, software development, and whatever else is my interest du jour.
I have interests in a lot of diverse areas, so I’ve decided to focus my more “philosophically inclined” topics on my Zaadz blog. This includes topics on Integral philosophy/Ken Wilber, lucid dreaming, brainwave entrainment, biofeedback, eastern philosophies, consciousness, and sharing my own in depth thoughts on a range of issues.