Creating music with Apple Garage Band

I started experimenting with Garage Band 3 earlier this week. I have to say that I’m very impressed with how intuitive it is to compose new songs. I do have a moderate musical background: 8+ years (throughout school) in various bands (concert, marching, jazz) and orchestra. But, none of it was really necessary while using Garage Band.
I originally decided to explore and take a shot at piecing together a techno song. What I ended up doing was creating a collage of some of my favorite genres. The song, called Transition, is comprised of 4 main parts. The main purpose of this experiment was to see how smoothly I could make the transition between different music styles: Ambient -> Techno -> EthnicFusion/AmbientDub/World -> Trance. Some of the categories are often times difficult to determine, but this is probably the best description for the main parts of the song.
Here is the song (Transition – 1:38):
M3U Stream
MP3 File
I have a very diverse taste in music. Some of my favorite musicians in the genres I listed above include Robert Rich, Steve Roach, Banco De Gaia, Paul Oakenfold, Astral Projection, Infected Mushroom, Bob Holroyd, and E.S. Posthumus.
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Theme Song to Morphing Faces of Beauty
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