Where, O Where Did My iTunes Music Go?!?

Where, O Where Did My iTunes Music Go?!?

So, I had looked at the clock and noticed it was already midnight. I thought to myself, “Before I go to bed, I’m going to buy a couple songs from the iTunes store that I was going to get earlier in the day”. I purchased the tracks without a hitch, was getting ready to close out of iTunes, and noticed that no music was showing up under my iPod. Whaaaaaaaah?
I have no clue what happened. Sure enough, I click on mh Ipod all 42GB of files are being listed as Other (instead of Audio, Video, and Pictures). It looks like my data is intact on the IPod as all files appear to be under the iPodControl subdirectory. But, the big question is what happened to the music and video database?
I’m sure tomorrow is going to be a fun day trying to figure this one out. I’m not sure if this is an iTunes 7 bug, but this seems a bit fishy to me.
P.S. I put this under the Humor category, although I’m not laughing too much at the moment. Oh well…. tomorrow is another day 😉

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