My Vision Statement

My Vision Statement

Last month I posted about a new Internet phenomenon created by Malcolm Cohan. Malcolm’s idea is for people to create their own personal video vision statement. I signed up for an online seminar that was held on New Year’s day. The purpose of this seminar was to show you how to create your own video.
For the last few weeks, I’ve been slowly adding photos and modifying my statements. Today, I added a fantastic version of U2’s song “Where The Streets Have No Name” by Joel Cage. Joel’s acoustic version is really amazing. This song has always been inspiring to me, and I think it really helps bring a lot of meaning to my vision statement.
The video is ready now and available on YouTube.
Here is the direct video link:

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5 Responses

  1. Vision Statement: The Power of Goal Visualization
    Update: I’ve created my own vision statement, and posted here. I found an amazing video this evening on A gentleman from Australia named Malcolm Cohan has put together a fantastic production titled “Think It So” that illustrates the powe…

  2. Use Mind Maps to Achieve Your Goals
    Why is it that the beginning of the year always feels electrical with the excitement of *this year* being the one where you achieve all of your most important goals? Like most people, starting on New Year’s, I spend time…

  3. Jeff McCoy says:

    Wow, very cool video. Inspiring!

  4. Thanks for sharing this Eric – I found your vision board to be very inspiring to watch and was equally inspired to complete my own Vision Board. What software / tools did you use to develop this ?

  5. ericblue76 says:

    Hi Andy,
    Thanks for your comment! It’s been a while, but I believe the tool I primarily used was called Memories on the Web (free)

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