Weekly Lifestream for May 2nd
Any recommendations for Futurists? – books, key people, blogs, etc? [ericblue] | |
Shared Weekly Lifestream for April 25th. | |
Have you programmed yourself today? (found this from an old backup – can’t find the original on YouTube) https://t.co/Uwa6sOyCR4 [ericblue] | |
Testing out HootSuite – trying to consolidate my online profiles and breathe some life back into Twitter [ericblue] | |
Slowly adding inspiring pics, videos, quotes to my motivation board on Pinterest http://t.co/uMZaIED6n9 – what quotes/images inspire you? [ericblue] | |
RT @andrekibbe: Make Habits Your Goal. http://t.co/AyA7LgeLOa | An alternative to goal setting. [ericblue] | |
Want to run mobile apps (Android) on Mac or PC? Check out http://t.co/vS8HZ4jkBy – Just tested Flipboard, Zite, and Angry Birds 🙂 works! [ericblue] | |
6 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers http://t.co/LvfxcvkhmQ [ericblue] | |
RT @aza: Programmer @ericblue likes the Jawbone UP so much, he sniffed the undocumented client API http://t.co/lbRimQplyB [ericblue] | |
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