Weekly Lifestream for August 1st

Weekly Lifestream for August 1st

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Hiked close to 10 miles roundtrip from Temescal Ridge in Pacific Palisades to Eagle Rock…. amazing views! [ericblue]
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Sitting back, relaxing and having some Red Trolley Ale [ericblue]
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I also learned something today… there’s a time to be one with nature and not…. esp. when you have fire ants gnawing at your ankle! [ericblue]
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It’s funny how the words cooperation and corporation are so close, yet often so far removed [ericblue]
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I seemed to have lost a # of followers lately… either doing something horribly wrong or right. I think I’ll continue my current trend. [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law. ~ Kant [ericblue]
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Another irony.. just as I was tweeting my last post. Oh that pesky categorical imperative. [ericblue]
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RT @ryderjaphy: “There is no need to be something that we are not.” Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche #emaho [ericblue]
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Pictures from my hike yesterday to Eagle Rock http://eric-blue.com/pictures/temescal_eaglerock_072510/ [ericblue]
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Effective learning: Twenty rules of formulating knowledge http://supermemo.com/articles/20rules.htm [ericblue]
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Thinking of ways to apply software dev/project methodologies to personal productivity and visa versa [ericblue]
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RT @Parabola_mag: “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but rather by making the darkness conscious.” — Carl J … [ericblue]
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Cool that Jung is a Leo too 🙂 [ericblue]
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Geek humor: last.fm robots.txt http://www.last.fm/robots.txt [ericblue]
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I did recently critique Tony’s program but have to admit I’m looking forward to his show on NBC – Breakthrough with Tony Robbins [ericblue]
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Pruning my Twitter list… loved all the tweets while they lasted, but some information needs to be un-loaded [ericblue]
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Off for some coffee, relaxation in the afternoon, and then dinner in Malibu [ericblue]
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– Voltaire (1694-1778) [ericblue]
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RT @LeadKJWalters: RT @Leadershipfreak: Any fool can create complexity. It takes real wisdom to create simplicity. [ericblue]
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RT @heidiko44: R @WEPromote: I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.~Lily Tomlin [ericblue]
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Enjoying life’s silly moments…. Thankful for them [ericblue]
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RT @jesus: Follow • me !! Are goats allowed? Thought it might be a sheep-only club (sheepish grin) [ericblue]
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