Weekly Lifestream for June 13th

Weekly Lifestream for June 13th

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Your Brain on Computers – Attached to Technology and Paying a Price http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/07/technology/07brain.html [ericblue]
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Speaking of which, I love Twitter but have realized the need to start reducing my ‘social media’ time [ericblue]
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Extraordinarily busy work schedule, coupled with information overload definitely impacting my ability to ‘deep focus’ [ericblue]
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RT @jonathanmead: Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning. —George Carlin [ericblue]
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What a Monday… A little bit of good, some bad, and spent half the day in the 7th circle of MS Project Hell [ericblue]
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No thank you … I’ll take the eternal lake of ice [ericblue]
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Cure for an irritating day? Read lamebook.com for 10 mins…. Fixes everything [ericblue]
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I send and receive so many emails it’s staggering [ericblue]
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Journey + Glee = Joy [ericblue]
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My usually yummy (and expensive) Fiji water literally tastes like bad tap water. Something funny is going on here. [ericblue]
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Shared Home page.
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Looking forward to getting an invitation to @geckoboard (http://www.geckoboard.com/). Would also love if it was opensource/self-hosted 🙂 [ericblue]
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RT @ZenDirtZenDust: Holy Crap! Stop Action Mario Bros is Amazing http://youtu.be/QAue4hnH8-A [ericblue]
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