Weekly Lifestream for May 16th

Weekly Lifestream for May 16th

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Was planning on eating healthy today, then Rubios ‘presented itself’…. tomorrow is another day [ericblue]
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Found a hack solution to an occasional Firefox problem…. [ericblue]
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Firefox back/forward buttons not working? Find profile and move places.sqilte and places-journal.sqilte to backup. Restart. [ericblue]
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Shared Withings.
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RT @biz: Conan visits Google—this is hilarious! http://bit.ly/9XSUd5 [ericblue]
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Conan is so hilarious.. saw him live in ’94. He was just as energetic/funny when the cam was off. [ericblue]
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Facebook requiring CAPTCHA on status updates…. shoot me [ericblue]
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Wondering why the common answer to life’s problems on the Internet always leads to "call in the next 15 mins" or "for 4 easy payments" [ericblue]
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Well, I actually know why but still astounded at the BS avalanche out there [ericblue]
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I should probably end the night on a positive note before bed. I pick A# [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others. ~ Nietzsche http://bit.ly/de10K2 [ericblue]
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All right, started off my day tweeting about Rand and Nietzsche! What does the rest of the day hold in store? 🙂 [ericblue]
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Um, tried to go to BOA website and got cert failure: "The certificate is only valid for www2.onlineaccountopen.com" That is NOT good [ericblue]
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Wrapping up some Perl hacking I was doing this weekend [ericblue]
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New blog post: Fitbit – Unofficial Perl API and CSV Download http://eric-blue.com/?p=1206 [ericblue]
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New project: Fitbit Hacks – Unofficial API & Tools to get the most out of your fitbit http://eric-blue.com/projects/fitbit/ [ericblue]
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Buttons are pushed today…. need nap [ericblue]
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RT @duffmcduffee: If there were a rumor being spread about Snopes.com itself, where would one go to check whether it was true? [ericblue]
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Wife brought home vegan cookies… I asked if they were made from 100% real vegans. [ericblue]
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I actually love those cookies. But makes you wonder if the total opposite exists…. meat lovers cookies. Could be a market for that [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: In heaven all the interesting people are missing. ~ Nietzsche http://bit.ly/de10K2 [ericblue]
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Alternate reality fringe division… How cool is that? [ericblue]
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Diaspora – the privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network http://bit.ly/dgpnNs#dumpfacebook [ericblue]
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Give Me My Data helps you reclaim and reuse your Facebook data. http://givememydata.com/ #itsmydataanyways [ericblue]
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Thinking of writing a larger blog post on privacy, data ownership, and the future of social media [ericblue]
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Been thinking of this with respect to my Personal Memex project… in order to mass scale, data sharing, privacy & trust need to be balanced [ericblue]
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client/server or hub networking can’t fully go away,but the issue of trust over your data w/ the companies providing service is problematic [ericblue]
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Facebook data is officially slurped and saved as XML [ericblue]
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Watched Battlefield Earth for 25 seconds… Sensed it was a bad bad movie [ericblue]
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Screen orientation changing appears to be broke on my iPad… physical switch wasn’t pressed.. reboot doesn’t help [ericblue]
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Currently caught in the DMV 7th circle of Hell [ericblue]
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Give the most patient person 15 minutes with the CA DMV automated phone system/website and let’s see how patient they really are [ericblue]
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Shared iPad Hacks.
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iPad was STUCK in portrait mode… factory default didn’t help… confirmed accelerometer works by playing Labrinth.. now stuck in landscape [ericblue]
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.. and I’ve switched the lock orientation mode on/off a hundred times… off to an Apple Genius I guess… totally stumped [ericblue]
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… don’t like that feeling [ericblue]
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