Weekly Lifestream for May 9th

Weekly Lifestream for May 9th

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I’ve had no Twitter convos in a couple weeks… how sad πŸ™ [ericblue]
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RT @adamsicinski: Top 10 Secrets of Effective Liars ~ http://ht.ly/1Gxb5 [ericblue]
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Just ‘converted’ my original MacBookPro into my secondary server…. too much to compute [ericblue]
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New Blog Post – IPad Tip: How To Convert HTML to PDFs http://eric-blue.com/?p=1191 [ericblue]
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I hate faxing. It seems so barbaric [ericblue]
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Speaking of doing away with older technology….. [ericblue]
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Can anybody recommend good (pref in Los Angeles area) bulk document scanning companies? My goal is to go entirely paperless this year [ericblue]
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RT @adamsicinski: Hacking Your Time Management System ~ http://ht.ly/1H2gP [ericblue]
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RT @ShekhinahShaman: "Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." Goethe [ericblue]
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20 Year Old Australian Discovers Missing Footnote: Ken is Impressed #integral http://bit.ly/aauzeD [ericblue]
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RT @c4chaos: evidence of Ancient Aliens ~ http://j.mp/9rkewA [ericblue]
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I wonder if aliens have a sense of humor…. [ericblue]
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Maybe if we can make our future alien overlords laugh out loud, we have hopes for survival…. [ericblue]
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"I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly." [ericblue]
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"I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo — in morse code." [ericblue]
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Why do cows wear bells? Because their horns don’t work. [ericblue]
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Clearly I’m not going to save humanity [ericblue]
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RT @RichardWiseman: great idea – create your own chocolate bar! http://bit.ly/cyXtlc (via @meaderic) [ericblue]
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Python is annoying [ericblue]
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2 really unique open source apps for desktop/app sharing: Shifter http://bit.ly/agG1Qt and Guacamole http://bit.ly/a6ZJPh [ericblue]
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RT @philosophybites: Should online commentators ditch anonymity? http://tinyurl.com/24vsgc3 | There would be no trolls to feed! πŸ™‚ [ericblue]
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Twitter fail whale is back in full effect [ericblue]
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Have some REALLY great programming ideas…. but blocked. I have a few hundred lines of code in my head… now need to get it to 1s & 0s πŸ™‚ [ericblue]
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Trying to find the origin of a cool spiral stone formation by some caves on the Mesa Peak fireroad (@ Malibu Bowl) http://twitpic.com/1lfz9u [ericblue]
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Definitely one of the best hikes I’ve been on… unique with the caves, mysterious spiral, and awesome mountain and ocean views [ericblue]
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My dad and I went on that hike a couple weeks ago, and was reminded of the spiral again in a recent LA Times article [ericblue]
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Venice labyrinth has some churchgoers balking at circles http://bit.ly/9Dpw7H [ericblue]
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RT @SingleEyeMove: Please see "Towards an Integral Gnostic Community" by M Alan Kazlev – http://bit.ly/9NFg95 [ericblue]
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I am easily amused… my path to happines [ericblue]
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happiness even [ericblue]
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Just ordered 2 yummy custom-made chocolate bars from @chocridotcom [ericblue]
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Bulletproof of Mind Mapping: Overview, Benefits, Tips and Tools http://aext.net/2010/05/mind-mapping-overview-benefits-tips-and-tools/ [ericblue]
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RT @ZenDirtZenDust: Scientists say that the world’s supply of rocks are being depleted at an alarming rate http://onion.com/ar8K0s [ericblue]
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"Think about it, When was the last time you even saw a boulder?" – something to think about πŸ™‚ [ericblue]
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You know you’re getting a little older when you don’t have to hit the down arrow key to set your age on the elliptical machine [ericblue]
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Things you don’t want to hear while out at lunch… wife turns to me and says "That is SOOO not chicken you are eating right now!" πŸ™ [ericblue]
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I was moderately happy/tolerant with the meal up until that point. Oh well πŸ™‚ [ericblue]
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That reminded me of another silly one-liner: "I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals; I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants" [ericblue]
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My silly corny one-liner of the day: Why don’t lobsters share? …. cuz they’re ‘shellfish’… haha. ok I know I have no future in comedy [ericblue]
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Creative block is unblocked!… tons of cool stuff in the queue… going to ride the wave as long as it lasts… let the programming begin [ericblue]
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Sensing a tipping point with collective trust in online companies ‘owning’ (read: abusing) our personal data. [ericblue]
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Wondering if there’s a future or technical feasibility in decentralized social media. You own/host data. search/connection is distributed. [ericblue]
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One really scary example of the online aggregation of publicly available data is Spokeo… knows income, spouse, hobbies, etc. etc. [ericblue]
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Thoughts sparked by: 10 Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account http://bit.ly/aNmZlV [ericblue]
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And Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative http://bit.ly/9jWZon [ericblue]
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Are we moving from the era of Information Overload to Information Exploitation? [ericblue]
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RT @EmergentCulture: I Highly recommend this In depth article on T. McKenna, his Timewave & the I ching http://bit.ly/aAV28E [ericblue]
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Makes you think that we trust our most cherished info to entities (corporations) that have been likened to psychopaths http://bit.ly/aH7Fo4 [ericblue]
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