Weekly Lifestream for May 2nd

Weekly Lifestream for May 2nd

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Just watched Donnie Darko … Confused and amazed … I really liked it! [ericblue]
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Officially back in the office soon…. very tough to get back into the groove after some time off [ericblue]
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FitBit is now officially installed, locked and loaded http://bit.ly/GmCs [ericblue]
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RT @lucianop: Best out-of-office auto responses http://bit.ly/9lsX9m <- Funny! (via @GuyKawasaki) [ericblue]
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My personal fav: "I’ve run away to join a different circus." [ericblue]
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Having trouble picking up my twitter momentum [ericblue]
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I think my FitBit may have me stunned looking at graphs all day! 🙂 [ericblue]
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RT @ericschiller: Senators complain about Facebook privacy changes http://ow.ly/17cj5a [ericblue]
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Fun day today so far! Both cars were broken into last night. Luckily nothing expensive was stolen, but still a major pain to deal with. [ericblue]
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CSI LA … scheduled a fingerprint analysis for tomorrow & I think there’s a blood stain/fingerprint by the window… someone’s going down [ericblue]
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What I need for the future is the Covert rearview mirror cam with DVR (24 hr/360deg video) + night vision http://bit.ly/bPjY2Y [ericblue]
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Steve Jobs – Thoughts on Flash http://bit.ly/bWLflu [ericblue]
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RT @duffmcduffee: How Lord of The Rings Should Have Ended http://youtu.be/1yqVD0swvWU [ericblue]
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Good writeup on the FitBit… my new favorite geeky fitness device http://bit.ly/aYWmAW [ericblue]
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Facebook’s Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline http://bit.ly/9Lelyi [ericblue]
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RT @DrMarsha: How Our Brains Make Memories http://bit.ly/dtPUFZ [ericblue]
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Starting to embrace the idea that the punishment for thievery and vandalism should be cutting off of digits [ericblue]
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RT @sonrivers: Inspite of whatever I say, I know you will continue on your `self-improvement’ course and keep looking for (cont) http:// … [ericblue]
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Looking into ways to convert my Travel Journals into DVD slideshows http://bit.ly/9Vuj5r [ericblue]
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Some good info on how to DIY using Linux at http://bit.ly/aMBada [ericblue]
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RT @adoxography: RT @brundlefly: I am speechless. http://bit.ly/9mqcCZ [Fox call Mr Rogers Evil!?] [ericblue]
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Everybody knows Bert is evil, but Mister Rogers? Please…. http://www.bertisevil.tv/index2.htm [ericblue]
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RT @GeorgeDvorsky: David Brin chimes in on the Stephen Hawking ‘aliens will destroy’ us debate: http://ow.ly/1FIqD #SETI [ericblue]
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