Weekly Lifestream for April 18th

Weekly Lifestream for April 18th

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RT @ShekhinahShaman: "It’s not what you look at that matters. It’s what you see." Thoreau [ericblue]
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Tony Buzan’s First USA Tour in a Decade: exclusive talks, training events & accredited courses http://eric-blue.com/?p=1160 #mindmap #course [ericblue]
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RT @lucianop: The Relativity Mind Trap: How Comparisons Can Lead Us Astray http://bit.ly/9RV7nR (Fresh on Litemind) [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~ Confucius [ericblue]
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Woo Hoo! My FitBit order has finally processed! http://www.fitbit.com/ Let my #lifelogging adventures begin [ericblue]
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RT @mrteacup: You’ll only become free of anger when you’re mad enough to change. [ericblue]
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Going to run for the 1st time in 3 months… hoping my back stays intact [ericblue]
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Ran / walked for 35 mins… It’s a start [ericblue]
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RT @roygrubb: To all who wanted mind maps in Google Docs, we’re (amost) there: http://bit.ly/bsrDQJ [ericblue]
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Watching My Name is Bruce (Bruce Campbell) and loving the B-movie goodiness http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0489235/ [ericblue]
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Dangerous combo… Amazon 1-click purchase and instant ‘WhisperSync’ to my iPad and iPhone [ericblue]
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Shared ComicRack.
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Great, my bank sent a notice that certain acts may have been compromised & sent a new debit card just to be safe… Crazy & total pita [ericblue]
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Officially on vacation!!! [ericblue]
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Just got back from a hike @ Solstice Canyon with my dad… lots of flowers, amazing views [ericblue]
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