Weekly Lifestream for April 11th

Weekly Lifestream for April 11th

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I really need to start paying attention. Was outside walking around and didn’t even feel the 6.9 quake. Fun times. [ericblue]
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RT @MichaelDeutch: "For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." โ€“ Lily Tomlin #quotes (via #GTD Connect newsletter) [ericblue]
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RT @Biggerplate: Mindmap of the Day – "Goals Mind Map Template" by @ericblue. Check it out here: http://dld.bz/dzu #mapotd #mindmap #big … [ericblue]
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Possible impulse control problems with techy gadgets.. just touched an iPad… must…. get … one….. [ericblue]
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RT @pickover: The Discovery of an Esoteric Message in Pascalโ€™s Triangle? http://bit.ly/aRhi80 [ericblue]
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Shared KIM Platform.
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Researching NLP…. the language processing not the linguistic programming [ericblue]
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Catching up on Fringe from last week…. wow what a good show! [ericblue]
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You’re trying to create a wormhole into another universe?!?!? Yes, I just said that! Classic ๐Ÿ™‚ [ericblue]
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RT @timbray: "Iโ€™m all for tablets, given the addition of keyboards, RAM, and freedom." http://is.gd/bgtYh [ericblue]
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The WePad looks promising http://bit.ly/bTd4sB [ericblue]
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RT @chuckfrey: Why the iPad may be the perfect brainstorming & idea capture tool | InnovationTools.com: http://ow.ly/1v3ZY #creativity [ericblue]
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RT @jesus: I just got to touch an iPad! [ericblue]
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Adult ADHD article on the Wall Street Jour http://bit.ly/cAOd5U [ericblue]
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Ironically they want you to sit and fill out a questionnaire to see if you have an attention problem [ericblue]
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RT @philo_quotes: And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ~ Confucius | Almost sounds like Yogi Berra ๐Ÿ™‚ [ericblue]
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Ironically it often feels like a chaotic process trying to bring order to the chaos [ericblue]
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RT @duhism: Never argue with the ignorant. They can’t tell when you’ve won. – http://duhism.com [ericblue]
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RT @c4chaos: LOL. #Shinzen Young ditched Holosync in the latter part of this interview ~http://bit.ly/bb2C1m calling it "pterodactyl shit". [ericblue]
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Off to go iPad hunting… my rational/level-headed side lost to my inner techy geek [ericblue]
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Oh crap.. Forgot I don’t remember how to drive and supressed how bad traffic is [ericblue]
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Yes, I admit I’m a Jobs apostle, hypocrite, and Apple fan boy in denial… but man do I love that iPad [ericblue]
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Is it worth converting to epub and using iBooks? Or is PDF with Goodreader enough? #ipad [ericblue]
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Experimenting with viewing my Memex on my iPad… most things work, but am finding some limits [ericblue]
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Obviously flash doesn’t work (bummer), and also finding that Simile Widgets such as Timeline and Exhibit are having problems as well [ericblue]
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My document browser works, but only because I can browse the doc tree and open as the native PDF http://bit.ly/9IOZzy [ericblue]
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Also have a read-only copy of my wiki for now but plan on building an app that let’s me take my e-memories on the go http://bit.ly/9OxAfW [ericblue]
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Steaming teaching co lecture to ipad using tversity http://tweetphoto.com/17713370 [ericblue]
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In hindsight that last tweet should have been StReaming with an R… big difference ๐Ÿ™‚ [ericblue]
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Awesome, I’m quadruple booked at 3PM today! [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort. ~ Confucius http://bit.ly/dlCIN1 [ericblue]
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DRM SUCKS! Period. [ericblue]
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Bought a print copy. Plus bought a digital copy protected by Adobe DRM (6 comp view limit). Still can’t view on my iPad. #FAIL [ericblue]
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And Bought a 3RD Time through Kindle…. I will say the process was painless (aside from the fact that I’ve paid 3 times) [ericblue]
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I think there’s a fine line between persistence and stupidity [ericblue]
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Don’t feel like lifting; doing it anyway [ericblue]
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Absolutely LOVE that I can make highlights and notes using Kindle on iPad and download/save for later [ericblue]
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Kindle Notes And Highlights Now Accessible On the Web http://tcrn.ch/d4h89G [ericblue]
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Any good recommendations for cleaning up my music collection? MP3 tags, Dedup, rename directories/files, etc. Prefer linux, but win will do [ericblue]
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Engaging in structured procrastination;cleaning up my music collection(on my list for 2 yrs) when I should instead be doing 29 other things [ericblue]
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Other geek project of the day: I have webcam snapshots taken every minute since Dec ’08 (3.5+GB). Makes for interesting time-elapse movie [ericblue]
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Just finished reading Total Recall by Gordon Bell; Inspiring work related to my Personal Memex project [ericblue]
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