ThinkBase: Visual Semantic Wiki

ThinkBase: Visual Semantic Wiki

Thanks again to, I discovered an amazing site today called Thinkbase.

“Thinkbase is a new way to navigate and explore information on the web. It is what we call a ‘Visual Wiki’. It is based on Freebase, an open, shared database of the world’s knowledge – in other words a Semantic Wiki. Thinkbase uses a visualization tool (Thinkmap) to create an interactive visual representation of the semantic relationships in Freebase.”

This is actually something I’ve been wanting to do with my own Personal Knowledge Manager(a.k.a. Semantic Wiki or Memex). I’m a huge fan of visualization, and ThinkMap (The software used to power ThinkBase) is a pretty comprehensive toolkit. I’ve looked at quite a few different visualization solutions over the last few years, and ThinkBase is one of the most impressive ones. Recently I came across a stunning Flash-based project by Ruben Swieringa
called the interactive mindmap ( It would be interesting to leverage some sort of open source solution like this to accomplish what the guys at ThinkBase have done. Overall, ThinkBase is a step in the right direction and I’m hoping it gets some well-deserved attention.

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