Transhumanist Dictionary: Must Know Terms For The 21st Century

Transhumanist Dictionary: Must Know Terms For The 21st Century

George Dvorsky, a blogger who writes about Transhumanism, has published an updated list of must know terms for today’s intelligentsia. George describes the list as follows:

First, I am trying to come up with a list of the most fundamental and crucial terms that are coming to define and will soon re-define the human condition, and that subsequently should be known by anyone who thinks of themselves as an intellectual. I admit that there’s an elitist and even pompous aspect to this exercise, but the fact of the matter is that the zeitgeist is quickly changing. It’s not enough anymore to be able to quote Dostoevsky, Freud and Darwin. This said, while my list of terms is ‘required’ knowledge, I am not suggesting that it is sufficient.

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