Weekly Lifestream for March 27th
Posted Weekly Lifestream for March 20th. | |
Making sense of radiation dose – an excellent visualization from xkcd.com http://t.co/QHy8Or0 [ericblue] | |
Ok back to reality, Monday is slowly creeping in, let the fun work week begin! [ericblue] | |
RT @michaelpollan: Iowa and Fla moving to criminalize unauthorized photos of farm operations. 30 year sentence in one case. http://p2.t … [ericblue] | |
Meetings Bore You to Death? Snap Out of It http://t.co/CoNB6B2 [ericblue] | |
Thinking Cap: "Mynd" Is the First Dry, iPhone-Compatible, Portable Brain Scanner http://t.co/KtLXSBU [ericblue] | |
More Fundays, Less Mondays Pleaase!! [ericblue] | |
My new favorite 500 Error from evri.com: ‘Uh oh. Something untoward happened within our software. Programmers will be flogged.’ [ericblue] | |
RT @ZenDirtZenDust: God’s Wife Edited Out of the Bible — Almost : Discovery News http://t.co/zC4jL4M | always was a fan of Ishtar. Wond … [ericblue] | |
iPad 2: Wife Says No, but Apple Says Yes http://t.co/SDHJjqF [ericblue] | |
Impulsiveness: Procrastination’s Nickel-Iron Core http://t.co/TItdSOX [ericblue] | |
Firefox Downloads Visualization Powered by HBase http://t.co/g9Qgw0e [ericblue] | |
I officially love the Zite app for iPad! It’s a personalized Newsreader that combines stories from your Twitter & Google Reader Feeds. A++ [ericblue] | |
RT @EmergentCulture: Video: ASTOUNDING! 12 year old girl discovers all Presidents but 1 related to former English King. http://youtu.be/ … [ericblue] | |
I hate to say I stopped reading my RSS feeds 2 yrs ago due to info overload. Great way to get back in the loop [ericblue] | |
Looking for a Hotspot? Try Boingo’s New App http://t.co/DKJSeAy – Very cool this was Zite’s top tech story. Best WiFi app ( I work there) [ericblue] | |
RT @brightabyss: Glenn Beck dare not speak his name ::: http://on.msnbc.com/hhFvWx ::: truth does not hurt, it purifies. [ericblue] | |
Hard drive failed with all my family pics, videos, music, etc. Last full backup is from 30 days ago… argh [ericblue] | |
Ironically as I was thinking of needing to do another full backup 2 nights ago [ericblue] | |
I’m hoping it’s either a bad cable or controller on the mb. Beginning the fun process of elimination first. [ericblue] | |
I thought I had a decent backup plan, but no backup plan is worth anything without a practiced restore plan [ericblue] | |
Awesomely irritating discovering… sbackup has a regex that excludes .mp3 by default [ericblue] | |
Pictures fully restored (CHECK), Videos fully restored (CHECK), Music… not so much [ericblue] | |
Shared About Spin: Security. | |
RT @michaeljjhughes: "The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” Buddha [ericblue] | |
I’m thinking of a Philly Cheese Steak right now…. just kidding! [ericblue] | |
back home… taking drive out of freezer and trying to recover data. If that doesn’t work I’m resolved to having lost 3 weeks of work [ericblue] | |
Wish I would have known about iTunes Plus before I converted my iTunes DRM manually the other week. Total cost of converting to .MP3s – $28 [ericblue] | |
lessons learned… lessons learned [ericblue] | |
RT @DeathStarPR: LOL, OMG and FYI have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. Somewhere in 1596, Shakespeare begins to weep inexpl … [ericblue] | |
Shared GIA Audios. | |
Music virtually all restored now from my old/backup iPod Video 60GB. Also downloaded and restored most of my purchased music [ericblue] | |
I’m sure I’ll gradually fix the music metadata (with Jaikoz) over the coming weeks. [ericblue] | |
RT @davewiner: This Guy Scuba Dived Into the Tsunami to Rescue His Wife and Mother. http://r2.ly/8phz [ericblue] | |
Walgreens Sued For Selling Patient Data http://t.co/71TcsUX [ericblue] | |
Now that I have backups fresh on my mind, thinking of upgrading my DLink DNS-323 ITB NAS to something more ‘beefy’ [ericblue] |
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