Month: June 2006

Simple recursive search and replace with perl

Reading Time: < 1 minute I recently needed to do a mass search and replace for some content on my website. I vaguely recalled doing this in the past with find, sed, and/or xargs so decided to ‘Google’. My memory was jogged when I found this example: find *.ext -type f -exec sed -i ‘s/OldText/NewText/’ {} \; and I was…
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Enabling plain text login for UW IMAP

Reading Time: 2 minutes I recently had the fun task of upgrading IMAP on one of my older Linux servers. This server doesn’t get much use lately and I’m sad to say that I hadn’t upgraded the IMAP daemon since around 2000(IMAP4rev1 beta). Last night I noticed that I was unable to retrieve or delete any messages due to…
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My Fat Tire Obsession: Finding Fat Tire Beer in LA

Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve never been too much of a beer fan, but I definitely do like darker beers, or beer with more flavor than your typical Bud. I experienced Fat Tire for the first time 2 years ago while visiting Denver, Colorado, and since that time I’ve been mildly obsessed with finding this beer in Los Angeles.…
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New blog URL

Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve decided to setup Movable Type and have now moved my blog to my personal website. Going forward, this blog will be hosted at