Month: September 2008

Emerson on Time

Reading Time: < 1 minute From “No Boundary”: “These roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are; they exist with God today.  There is no time for them.  There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence…. But man postpones or remembers; he…
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Gmail is "worse than stupidity"

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ah, I’m sure that catchy title has your attention. The more in depth title is “Gmail is worse than stupidity OR Cloud computing is a trap”. Or, so says GNU founder Richard Stallman. The concept of using web-based programs like Google’s Gmail is “worse than stupidity”, according to a leading advocate of free software. Cloud…
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Off to PA!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, I’m off to Pennsylvania tomorrow and will be spending time with friends and family for the next 5 days. I plan to be less “plugged-in” than usual. But, I’m sure I’ll be Twittering away and catching up on my RSS feeds. I have a *ton* of blog posts I want to get done by…
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Subscribe to the Top Personal Development Blogs

Reading Time: < 1 minute Thanks to Luciano at Litemind, I recently discovered an excellent resource that lists some of the top personal development blogs out there. PluginID has put together a page that lists the top (currently 65) personal development blogs according by Google PR, Technorati and Alexa ratings. I quickly discovered that while I was aware of most…
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How To Sync Your iPhone 3G Using Linux and Vmware

Reading Time: 2 minutes Learn how to sync your iPhone3g using Ubuntu Linux and VMWare.

Why Should Freelancers Use Mind Mapping?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Raj Dash at Freelance Switch recently posted an article on why freelancers should use mind mapping. Einstein once said something to the effect of, “you cannot solve problems by thinking within the same framework or mindset that discovered the problems.” The implication is that you need to step into another mindset, another level of thinking.…
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The Man Who Remembers Forever

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last April I blogged about Piotr Wozniak, a Polish Renaissance Man of sorts, who developed an algorithm and software product to help people learn and retain knowledge at amazing levels. His software SuperMemo can help turn people into geniuses. Well, it turns out that there are some people out there with *amazing* memories who can…
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Redesign Bliss!

Reading Time: < 1 minute It took a little bit of work, but the face lift is complete! The new redesign is finished, and both my original website and blog have been migrated to the WordPress blogging platform. I’ve been meaning to make the switch for a while, but was recently motivated to follow in the steps of some…
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