Month: November 2006

How To Discover Music You Like (For Free!)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the last few years, I’d say that my musical taste has expanded quite a bit. I now listen to artists and genres that I probably wouldn’t have given a chance before. This is in large part to my Rhapsody subscription. Rhapsody can recommend music in a few different ways: My Rhapsody – recommends new…
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Cool Concept Maps

Reading Time: < 1 minute I discovered a great post this afternoon at Life Clever titled ‘6 illuminating concept maps you should know about’. These concept maps include: 1) Java Technology (I posted about this last month) 2) How does DNS work? 3) What is a brand? 4) How do organizations track customers to retain them longer? 5) What…
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Go With The Flow!

Reading Time: < 1 minute The guys at 37 Signals have posted a great article on the topic of Flow. I first heard about Flow in the mid-nineties and have always kept this book (Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience) on my ever growing read/wish list. After reading this article I think it’s about time I start digging into this…
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CVSHistory – A Great Addition to ViewCVS/ViewVC

Reading Time: < 1 minute I just found out about a great project called CVSHistory at This application (written in Python) provides a web-interface for listing/searching a CVS history file, and can either be used in stand-alone mode, or integrates with ViewVC (formerly called ViewCVS). The most compelling feature to me is the ability to get history entries as…
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Authentic Flying Spaghetti Monster Sighting

Reading Time: < 1 minute Nothing to say, except simply amazing!