Go With The Flow!

Go With The Flow!

The guys at 37 Signals have posted a great article on the topic of Flow. I first heard about Flow in the mid-nineties and have always kept this book (Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience) on my ever growing read/wish list. After reading this article I think it’s about time I start digging into this book (I need to deprioritize the other 290+ books on my list!).
Although I haven’t yet read the book, I understand what Flow is about since I’ve been fortunate to have experienced it on a somewhat frequent basis. Having had a music and software development background, on many occasions I’ve experienced (a sometimes magical) feeling of completely being in the moment, where time seems to melt away, and whatever I’m currently working on (work is a strong word) just seems to all click. I think this feeling of Effortless Effort is the main reason why I enjoy what I do for a living.

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