Weekly Lifestream for October 23rd

Weekly Lifestream for October 23rd

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Looking at some of the great looking Smart Watches out there, or on the horizon? Which one is your favorite? http://bit.ly/1eu32Tw 
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Just picked up Hacking Healthcare A Guide to Standards, Workflows, and Meaningful Use-I can hack most things. Let’s see if I can do this! 🙂
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I didn’t go for 4 plates this time, BUT pulled a deadlift PR of 385 on my 5th set! Difficulty 7/10. http://instagram.com/p/fokP3tFyHR/ 
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An epicly fun pic of my dad and I at the Wig Out for Animals 5k charity run/walk today https://scontent-b-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1380097_10151717644242308_951661476_n.jpg …
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What are the crowd-funded QS gear and gadgets? @ericblue is putting together a great list here: <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApdaHv9Hs8O7dENGLWpUUkJ1UVhHTGtJZTVJdktlaHc&usp=sharing#gid=0 &hellip;”>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApdaHv9Hs8O7dENGLWpUUkJ1UVhHTGtJZTVJdktlaHc&usp=sharing#gid=0 &hellip; #quantifiedself
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