Weekly Lifestream for July 12th

Weekly Lifestream for July 12th

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RT @MindshareLA: Robot hand beats you at rock, paper, scissors 100% of the time | KurzweilAI http://t.co/lKJcYxZh #fb [ericblue]
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… and so Terminator Armageddon begins 🙂 [ericblue]
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Slick looking meditation app – Train your Focus. Upgrade your Mind – ReWire. http://t.co/gLYtcK2g [ericblue]
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Just did a long overdue WordPress update and am in slight disbelief it all worked in < 10 seconds! [ericblue]
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Considering upgrading my commenting system on my blog – Is Disqus good? Any other alternatives for WordPress? [ericblue]
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I missed Dexter.. starting to watch last season on iTunes… what a killer show! 🙂 [ericblue]
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