Weekly Lifestream for April 15th

Weekly Lifestream for April 15th

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Having fun routing calls from Google Voice -> Twilio -> Samsung TV -> Normal Cell -> Google Voice [ericblue]
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Added @twilio support to STEM so my Samsung TV now receives SMS messages and incoming call notifications! https://t.co/IkONcRvB [ericblue]
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twitter (feed #7)
One more little @twilio hack … adding a security code to my callbox and DTMF tone generation to automatically buzz people in 🙂 [ericblue]
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Sometimes you just have to do things because you can! 🙂 [ericblue]
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twitter (feed #7)
Reading up on nootropics… I think I need some racetams to figure out all the differences between the recetams [ericblue]
twitter (feed #7)
RT @toffernelson: Love this –> RT @HuffingtonPost: This Coke machine takes hugs instead of money http://t.co/qkchr8iH Good work @wnd [ericblue]
twitter (feed #7)
RT @gbmiii: According to @EricTopol, the biggest shake-up in medical history is here. Find out what it is: http://t.co/23bhcMX6 http://t … [ericblue]
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twitter (feed #7)
Digging into nootropics – thinking of doing a #quantifiedself experiment on the impact to my sleep. Time to get back into my zeo tracking [ericblue]
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