Weekly Lifestream for January 1st

Weekly Lifestream for January 1st

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Holiday Digital Music Guide: How to Find the Best Tunes, Wherever You Are http://t.co/ee9PKjbt via @mashable [ericblue]
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Just opened a 2007 bottle of Jarvis Merlot… wow it’s good [ericblue]
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RT @VincentHorn: "I’m not young enough to know everything." – Oscar Wilde [ericblue]
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Taking a short social media break! See you all next week in 2012! [ericblue]
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Shared SpringPython.
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OK, I cheated and came back a little early.. Happy New Year (almost) 🙂 [ericblue]
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RT @gnat: My Quantified Bookshelf for 2011: http://t.co/0W3JYAdC [ericblue]
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RT @avantgame: Wow! My sister’s book The Will Power Instinct is now #170 on Amazon. Don’t be the only person who hasn’t read it 🙂 http: … [ericblue]
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Happy New Year! [ericblue]
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It’s that time of year again – How to Use Mind Maps to Achieve Your Goals (an oldie but goodie) http://t.co/wYkTlmz4 [ericblue]
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