Weekly Lifestream for December 25th

Weekly Lifestream for December 25th

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Just got my @zeo mobile in the mail. Yay! [ericblue]
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This is also my 2nd day of trying BulletProof coffee (thanks @bulletproofexec !) It’s coffee w/ butter in it. sounds gnarly but oh so yummy [ericblue]
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RT @RWW: Google Augmented Reality Glasses Could Come Soon, What Would They Mean? http://t.co/YZOacaZk [ericblue]
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Cool app – Become More Productive on iOS with Quickpick – http://t.co/h5nwHErM [ericblue]
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Nice way to get your external IP from the command-line: wget http://t.co/GmLmkHly -O – -q -L [ericblue]
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or just ‘curl ifconfig.me’ ; or in JSON or XML ‘curl ifconfig.me.json’ ‘curl ifconfig.me.xml’ [ericblue]
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Uh oh… I seem to be getting removed off of lists… I should probably stop posting all my command-line fu! [ericblue]
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Just read some marketing mumbo jumbo that touted something as ‘incredibly effective’… isn’t effective uh…. effective enough? [ericblue]
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Stunning words w/ friends upset.. Final move..25 PTS down, 3 letters… Spelled adieu Tw worth 35+ points. Wife = mad 🙂 [ericblue]
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Getting stronger : bench = 3×10 185lbs, leg press = 3×10 450lbs . Sleeping in tomorrow 🙂 [ericblue]
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Good considering last year at this time I was laying in bed with horrible lower back pain [ericblue]
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RT @VincentHorn: "Women. Can’t live with them. Can’t successfully refute their hypotheses." – Big Bang Theory [ericblue]
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RT @wwjimd: “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” -Friedrich N … [ericblue]
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RT @brightabyss: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebell … [ericblue]
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RT @SethMacFarlane: RT @headwarmaz: Why don’t you tweet more often? // Because I’m devoting all my time to the construction of a perpetu … [ericblue]
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I don’t know how those last 2 RTs can be so far apart, yet close at the same time. absurdity is absurd 🙂 [ericblue]
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#8outof10cats agree that the #8outof10cats trending topic Iz St00p1d [ericblue]
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My latest creative approach to problem solving? Bang your head against the wall enough times to eventually break through it! [ericblue]
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1AM… step… away… from the keyboard [ericblue]
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If you thought a Turducken was either interesting or an abomination, what about a whole stuffed Camel? http://t.co/MTOMiLXD #cantmakethisup [ericblue]
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eggs -> fish -> chicken -> sheep -> camel … I think I’m sticking to vegetarian tonight! bleh 🙂 [ericblue]
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.. a little bit o’ Christmas Eve trivia in the category of things you’ll never need to know and probably want to forget! [ericblue]
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Know somebody who went a little… overboard on Christmas lights? Check this…. http://t.co/9WGUJy0g [ericblue]
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RT @aaronpk: @ericblue Thanks for the awesome work documenting the Jawbone API! I’m writing a Ruby client for it: https://t.co/tsf8iXtF [ericblue]
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RT @TRAQSme: Spending Christmas Eve writing unit tests and wrapping up a REST API! 🙂 Getting closer to Beta. Looking forward to an ex … [ericblue]
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RT @WirelessHealth1: Time for Wearable Computers Has Finally Arrived by @geekinchief in @laptopmag http://t.co/lVyqAqhi #mHealth #quant … [ericblue]
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RT @jackiegerstein: The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2011 http://t.co/KxFSO5SO by @flowingdata via @roygrubb [ericblue]
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