Weekly Lifestream for July 3rd

Weekly Lifestream for July 3rd

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Have a nice SQL query to tell me my average and max calories burned by hour/time of day. Will send SMS reminders to get myself moving. #qs [ericblue]
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New blog post – TRAQS.me http://t.co/elEmNir [ericblue]
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RT @jensmccabe: holy…this guy *is* the genesis of #quantifiedself: http://t.co/5TcKnOD [ericblue]
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Trending topics can be so absurd sometimes… wait, make that all the time [ericblue]
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Also are we trending in the 80’s/90’s? Pat Benatar, Ray Bans, Tom Petty, Mission Impossible??? [ericblue]
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Open letter to BlackBerry bosses: Senior RIM exec tells all as company crumbles around him http://t.co/6QFs7R7 [ericblue]
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Happy hour delivers~ I AM Happy! [ericblue]
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RT @MurrayMelb: I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down. – Abraham Li … [ericblue]
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RT @TRAQSme: Wrapping up full MyZeo integration with sleep reporting & charts. Using the Perl library I wrote earlier this year http:// … [ericblue]
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Was initially skeptical, now wanting a Google+ invite…. what a sheep I am [ericblue]
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Oh, this is so good… The Magic Button – Make everything OK http://t.co/ngloDYK [ericblue]
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In 15 months I’ve accumulated over 78MB of personal tracking data #quantifiedself [ericblue]
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RT @DrAnnieAWC: Check out Animal Wellness Centers on the OWN Network tomorrow July 3rd on the O’Neals Reality Show 7pm [ericblue]
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RT @c4chaos: RT @GeorgeDvorsky: Technology Review Explores the Self-Tracking Movement http://bit.ly/j3anqn @myen [ericblue]
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