20+ New Philosophical Posts

Earlier this week gaia.com (formerly Zaadz) closed it’s doors. Since I joined a few years ago I would occasionally post some ‘philosophically-inclined’ articles. Actually, article is probably a strong word… most of my posts were short snippets/passages/or quotes from books that I was reading at the time, or links to some interesting articles related to philosophy, psychology, creativity, or religion. I’ve imported these articles back into my main blog (here) and are now available for viewing.
Check out the Philosophy Category here http://eric-blue.com/category/philosophy/.
In an interesting twist, although Gaia has shut down, a large portion of the community has moved to Ning at http://anewgaia.ning.com/. I’ve setup a profile there, and while I probably won’t be blogging too much, I definitely plan on participating in some of the groups/forums.