gnizr: Open Source Semantic With Mashup Capability

gnizr: Open Source Semantic With Mashup Capability

Wow, now that’s a tall order to fill! And, it appears that gnizr has delivered that order. Gnizr (short for organizer) is one of the latest additions to the Google code repository, and this code-base has been donated from Image Matters LLC.
I haven’t had a chance to install yet, but from looking over the website and screenshots it looks pretty amazing!

gnizr™ (gə-nīzər) is an open source application for social bookmarking and web mashup. It is easy to use gnizr to create a personalized portal for a group of friends and colleagues to store, classify, and share information, and mash-it-up with information about location.
* Archive saved bookmarks and organize bookmarks using tags and folders.
* Edit notes using WYSIWYG bookmark editor.
* Assign geographical location values to bookmarks and view bookmarks on a map.
* Define relationships between bookmark tags — broader, narrower and member-of.
* Tag bookmarks using Machine Tags.
* View bookmarks in Clustermap and Timeline.
* Import new bookmarks from user-defined RSS subscriptions — RSS, Atom and GeoRSS.
* Create new application behaviors using gnizr API. For example:
o Add modules to support custom Machine Tags;
o Add listeners to handle bookmark change events;
o Develop custom RSS crawlers to perform automated bookmark imports; and
o Create third-party mashups from data published by gnizr (RDF, RSS and JSON).

Screenshots (Click here for more)

Thanks to James at Semantic Wave for bringing this to my attention via!

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