Speedlink: 2007-06-12

Speedlink: 2007-06-12

The Mind Mapping Software Weblog
Promising new web-based mind mapping app: Mind42
Tags: mindmap
touchgraph amazon browser – data visualization & visual design – information aesthetics
Touchgraph… it seems the visual information design & interactive features have been dramatically enhanced since their first google browser version about 2 years ago.
Tags: infoviz, software, touchgraph
Mind Hacks: Learning field sense
… some sportsman appear to have a ‘sixth sense’ of where players are on the field, or can work out where a ball is likely to go before it is struck.
Tags: interesting, mind
Jeffrey Veen: The Easiest Way to Publish del.icio.us Links on Your Site
Tags: del.icio.us, rss, blog
Search del.icio.us bookmarks
Tags: del.icio.us, tools
Massive GTD Resource List | zen habits
Tags: gtd, productivity
Is My Mind Playing Tricks on Me?
Can you believe anything your mind is telling you? Is your Mind Playing Tricks on You?
Tags: mind
OUseful Info: An Institutional Dashboard Using Pageflakes
An Institutional Dashboard Using Pageflakes
Tags: learning, ple

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