Category: Music

Reactable: Tangible Music Visualization

Reading Time: < 1 minute This video is pretty amazing. Find out more about Reactable here. “The reactable is a multi-user electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving physical artefacts on the table surface and constructing different audio topologies in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer or…
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Psychedelic Perspectives

Reading Time: < 1 minute I lucked out yesterday and stumbled across a new Trance album via Rhapsody’s just added RSS feed. The album is Psychadelic Perspectives from GOE a.k.a. Lukas Keller (@ Psychedelic Systems). I got into PsyTrance a couple years ago and have been a huge fan of Astral Projection, Infected Mushroom, and Juno Reactor. I definitely have…
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How To Discover Music You Like (For Free!)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the last few years, I’d say that my musical taste has expanded quite a bit. I now listen to artists and genres that I probably wouldn’t have given a chance before. This is in large part to my Rhapsody subscription. Rhapsody can recommend music in a few different ways: My Rhapsody – recommends new…
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Music Déjà Vu – The Clearing At The Water's Edge

Reading Time: < 1 minute Did you ever get the feeling that you’ve heard a particular song before? I had that feeling today. The 2 songs in particular are The Clearing from the Sonicaid Concentration CD, and At The Water’s Edge from Bob Holroyd‘s latest CD Without Within. The Sonicaid Concentration CD is composed by David Bradstreet and John Herberman.…
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Creating music with Apple Garage Band

Reading Time: < 1 minute I started experimenting with Garage Band 3 earlier this week. I have to say that I’m very impressed with how intuitive it is to compose new songs. I do have a moderate musical background: 8+ years (throughout school) in various bands (concert, marching, jazz) and orchestra. But, none of it was really necessary while using…
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