Wiki Hunt: Wikis for Personal Knowledge Management

Wiki Hunt: Wikis for Personal Knowledge Management

A few months ago I blogged about Personal Learning Environments and Knowledge Management. Since that time, I’ve been researching a number of open source applications and today, I’ve officially kicked-off my hunt for the perfect Wiki for personal knowledge management. What I’m ultimately looking for is a wiki for organizing my personal research, keeping track of journal entries, and consolidating all of my information into a single “trusted system”. Ideally, this wiki will have some semantic capabilities so I can add metadata and structure to my content.
The choice of wiki software out there is pretty overwhelming. Sites like WikiMatrix do help quite a bit. And, thanks to Michael Berman’s uber list of semantic web tools, I’ve been able to narrow down some wikis with semantic capabilities.
So far I’ve narrowed down my choice of Wikis to the following 3:

  1. SocialText
  2. DekiWiki
  3. Semantic Mediawiki

Although SocialText and DekiWiki don’t offer full semantic web capabilities, they do offer some basic forms of tagging. And, overall, both projects look really impressive. I’m probably going to lean towards MediaWiki, but want to get a feel for the other 2 since they appear to have quite a bit of polish and features that MediaWiki doesn’t have out of the box (although, I suppose you can get comparable features by installing some extenstions). I’ll probably spend a couple weeks evaluating each wiki, and will post my feedback.

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