| Robert Karl Stonjek approved your request to join the group Consciousness Studies. |
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 | Phillip Thomas posted in The Quantified Self. |
 | Christian Gunning commented on your photo: "You wouldn’t happen to be a 45, would you? I have…" |
 | Tracy Miller Rhodes likes your photo. |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your status: "Well, it’s a good thing I’m getting new…" |
 | Mark Alan Effinger mentioned you in a comment: "Eric – I have a Super Booster Endurance…" |
 | Larry Frank Langer commented on your status: "Start carboloading now" |
 | Jessica Benoit and Jolene Yvanek Courter also commented on David Hess’s status. |
 | John Amschler likes your comment: "Doh! I should have waited a couple…" |
 | Ann Wilmot (friends with Amber Jean) likes your comment: "I’m getting started again after a year…" |
 | Ann Wilmot (friends with Amber Jean) also commented on Amber Jean’s status: "Good luck, Amber! You have such a great attitude…" |
 | Michelle Lilley likes your photo. |
 | Shawn Phillips likes your photo. |
 | Carlos Rizo shared your link. |
 | Duff McDuffee likes your link: "Gartner’s 2013 Hype Cycle for Emerging…" |
 | Duff McDuffee tagged you in a post: "via Eric Blue …" |
 | Duff McDuffee commented on a photo that you’re tagged in: "no data yet on how soon we should expect the…" |
 | Steve Cowie (friends with Duff McDuffee) likes your comment: "I’ve run some calculations. It’s…" |
 | Adam Thede likes your link: "The first week or two of getting back…" |
 | Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "Yes, definitely EST. And make sure…" |
 | Michelle Misner commented on a link you shared: "I miss running. Hurt my hip pretty badly while…" |
 | Michelle Lilley likes your link: "So, apparently the only catch with the…" |
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 | Jen Bradley (friends with Mark Shiner) also commented on Rebecca Mitchell Shiner’s link: "I look at this and wonder if we’re about to start…" |
 | Brian Misner and Renea Minemyer Felix commented on your photo. |
 | Brian Misner, Heather Hutzler and 3 other people like your photo. |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your status: "I spent about an hour or so looking…" |
 | Mark Alan Effinger mentioned you in a comment: "6-Weeks? You (of all people, Eric) can…" |
 | Michelle Misner and Larry Frank Langer commented on your status. |
 | Holly Horner Beckman invited you to play Pengle. |
 | Joel Morrison (friends with Duff McDuffee) likes your comment: "I think honest politicians (a paradox…" |
 | Lincoln Merchant (friends with Duff McDuffee) also commented on Duff McDuffee’s status: "Senator Sanders seems like a pretty good guy…" |
 | Breonna Navolio likes your post on her timeline: "Happy Birthday" |
 | Shawn Phillips likes your comment: "Thanks, I was going to have pizza but…" |
 | Allison Saturley- Saad and Bob Haxton also commented on Shawn Phillips’s photo. |
 | Your receipt of Promote an Important Post for $6.99 is ready. |
 | Jamie Pitts and Matthew Lamb like your link: "I’ve put up a tribute site dedicated to…" |
 | Rebecca Mitchell Shiner commented on a link you shared: "Beautiful job, Eric!" |
 | Rebecca Mitchell Shiner likes your comment: "Thanks Becky. Luckily the site makes…" |
 | Terry Rademann (friends with Shawn Phillips) also commented on Shawn Phillips’s status: "Oh my dear god I’m crying that’s hilarious!!! I…" |
 | Tim Schlesener (friends with Shawn Phillips) likes your comment: "I swear I saw that on a t-shirt once" |
 | Results are now available for your promoted post: "I’ve put up a tribute site dedicated to the…" |
 | Paul Camyre and Jay Packwood also commented on Darin Steen’s post. |
 | Maria Konovalenko posted in Immortality: "Join us at the Longevity Party in Cambridge!.." |
 | Adam DeHart likes your status: "A Secret Pacmaniac! – I’m jotting down…" |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your comment: "Posting more stories here…" |
 | Mark Alan Effinger mentioned you in a comment: "Eric – This is gold. These are the…" |
 | Brian Misner commented on your post: "What a great memory, thanks for sharing! BTW,…" |
 | Bryan Langer likes your comment: "Chantelle’s reaction when she got…" |
 | Bryan Langer likes your status: "Well, it’s a good thing I’m getting new…" |
 | Brian Misner likes your comment: "Brian I didn’t know that.. or did know…" |
 | Brian Misner likes your comment: "Thanks Mark. It feels good knowing the…" |
 | Suzanne Langer likes your comment: "Suzanne She had some strategies for…" |
 | Jim Haston (friends with Jamie Pitts) likes your comment: "My sarcasm detector is broken …" |
 | David A Lockman (friends with Mark Alan Effinger) also commented on Mark Alan Effinger’s link: "If only I could take credit more than just the…" |
 | Nancy Keith Witt (friends with Jamie Pitts) also commented on Jamie Pitts’s status: "cough…cough…choke" |
 | Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "You better watch out. Besides being…" |
 | Larry Frank Langer likes your status: "Epic skies driving through Santa Monica" |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your comment: "I’ll have to add this to the…" |
 | Duff McDuffee likes your photo. |
 | Duff McDuffee likes your photo. |
 | Laura Langer Eshleman commented on your post: "Breathtaking!" |
 | Michelle Misner and Harold Mitchell like your status: "I’m spending some time going through…" |
 | Darin Steen and Ben Yosef like your comment: "Good luck Darin! I’d be interested in…" |
 | Kiyoshi Moody, Wendy Lea Branchfield and Kaelin Patterson also commented on Darin Steen’s photo. |
 | Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "A great idea until the…" |
 | Bryan Langer commented on your post: "Thanks for putting up the site in memory of your…" |
 | Melissa Langer Gaydos likes your photo. |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your link: "I’ve weighed the pros and cons. The…" |
 | Brian Misner likes your link: "I’ve been interested in the topic of…" |
 | Michelle Misner commented on a photo you shared: "As if you had a choice based on Chantelle’s…" |
 | Jason Nunnelley commented on a link you shared: "This guy is fascinating, and quite damaged. He is…" |
 | Jason Nunnelley likes your comment: "Just from the video it’s clear his…" |
 | Gretchen Langer accepted your friend request. Write on Gretchen’s timeline. |
 | Shawn Phillips likes your status: "Wrapped up my second workout of hard…" |
 | Michelle Lilley commented on your status: "Your a crazy guy too!!" |
 | Jessica Doane Study likes your status: "Alright… so my 5k is 5 weeks away. …" |
 | Michelle Misner commented on your status: "Run, Forrest, RUUUUUN! I’m so glad to be…" |
 | Nissa Howard (friends with William Harryman) likes your comment: "I saw some trainer (male) doing these…" |
 | Kimberly Chu likes your photo. |
 | Duff McDuffee also commented on William Harryman’s video: "thrust" |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your photo. |
 | Mark Alan Effinger likes your comment: "Bent over rows" |
 | Jon McCulloch (friends with Shawn Phillips) also commented on Shawn Phillips’s status: "Ironing. I managed to burn my dick. Truth." |
 | Michelle Lilley commented on your photo: "I like that story:) good mommy:)" |
 | Suzanne Langer commented on your photo: "Just beautiful and what memories!" |