Weekly Lifestream for August 7th

Weekly Lifestream for August 7th

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Shawn Phillips likes your photo.
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Larry Larson likes your status: "Hasta Vegas! Need a day off after that…"
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Larry Larson commented on your post: "Good stretch of road to try googles self driving…"
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Paramita Roy likes your status: "Drive back to LA on the 15"
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Mary Ann Bittman commented on Joanna Skowron’s post: "Eric happy belated birthday"
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Duff McDuffee and Jason Nunnelley like your photo.
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Duff McDuffee commented on your photo: "there’s an app for that "
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Michelle Lilley likes your status: "5 days off in a row from the gym and…"
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Eric Schiller likes your comment: "This is how you get people to pay …"
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Jason Nunnelley likes your link: "Welcome to the future… you can print…"
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Jay B Bargeron (friends with Duff McDuffee) also commented on Duff McDuffee’s link: "But in the episode "Hero Worship", they explain…"
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Mark Alan Effinger likes your link: "Geek humor "
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Mark Alan Effinger commented on a link you shared: "That’s sooo HTML5 ago…"
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Larry Frank Langer commented on your status: "you should ease into it. Its been six weeks away…"
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Jason Nunnelley likes your link: "This is accurate…"
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Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "He’s almost as bad as Worf…"
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Eric Schiller also commented on his link: "I guess I should be expecting a visit from the…"
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Harold Mitchell likes your status: "Luxor beam o’ light"
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Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "Ironically, this very linguistically…"
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BulletproofMe Luuvv invited you to The Bulletproof Executive’s event The Bulletproof Life.
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Danny Hargis shared your link: "Yep its the truth "
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Heather Hutzler likes your post: "Happy Birthday!"
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Laura Langer Eshleman likes your post: "Happy Birthday!"
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Danny Hargis likes your link: "New Blog Post – The Creative…"
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Bryan Langer likes your photo.
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Bryan Langer likes your comment: "Good plan! "
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Bryan Langer likes your comment: "Such great advice! I have much to…"
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Dixie Moffatt likes your link: "It’s hard to believe it’s been 11 years…"
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Dixie Moffatt commented on a link you shared: "How time flys, you look like babies. Speaking of…"
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Maarten Den Braber likes your link: "I’m no expert, but I do have to nitpick…"
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Eric Schiller likes your link: "Mittens"
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Duff McDuffee likes your cover photo.
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Jeffneato Stutzaneggar commented on a photo you shared: "I left u a present out here…I dare u to come see"
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Chuck Davis posted in Quantified Self Poland: "The Personal ROSHI is a central nervous system…"
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Michelle Lilley likes your status: "First attempt at Thai cooking – it was…"
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Mimi Griffard Peak has invited you to like her Page Hero’s Journey Mentoring.
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Michelle Misner commented on your post: "So glad I don’t live by you. I’d be the crazy…"
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Larry Larson likes your comment: "I joined one once, but quit about 50…"
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Larry Larson commented on a photo you shared.
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Larry Larson likes your comment: "Ironically, I didn’t have time for it."
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Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "I played around a bit with…"
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Duff McDuffee also commented on his status: "NeuroProgrammer is great. The only problem is it…"
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Dre Davids and Michele Lanfrank also commented on Shawn Phillips’s status.
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Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "Good plan. Ah, I forgot about the Mac…"
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Jay Ganther (friends with Shawn Phillips) likes your comment: "I’m sure the 2% that’s actual meat…"
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Brian Misner commented on your status: "HA!"
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Duff McDuffee likes your status: "Fun times… doing some long overdue…"
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Angel LaBarko Mucker (friends with Jeffneato Stutzaneggar) also commented on Jeffneato Stutzaneggar’s status: "Better than verbal diareha!"
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Michael Anthony Manganella accepted your friend request. Write on Michael’s timeline.
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Sean Traba also commented on Carlos Saenz’s activity on Yelp.
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Jamie Serenstara (friends with Carlos Saenz) likes your comment: "I’ll add that to my list. If you ever…"
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Jeffneato Stutzaneggar likes your comment: "Wouldn’t that be silence? "
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Dave Harvilicz likes your link: "Alrighty.. Wanted – Time Travelling…"
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Duff McDuffee likes your status: "Interesting, Amazon will sync your…"
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Carlos Saenz likes your comment: "Great pics. You’re making me want to go…"
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Jann Eicker likes your link.
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Maarten Den Braber likes your link.
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David Hess also commented on his photo.
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Jason Nunnelley likes your photo.
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Jason Nunnelley commented on a status you shared: "Yeah, right?"
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Carlos Saenz likes your status: "After having done this for so long,…"
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Rusty Thomas and Amy Popchak-Urban also commented on Rusty Thomas’s photo.
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Bernard Parsons (friends with Duff McDuffee) also commented on Duff McDuffee’s link: "Not true."
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Duff McDuffee likes your comment: "Every time I go hiking, not far from…"
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Bryan Langer likes your status: "Took a break this afternoon and stopped…"
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Bryan Langer likes your photo.
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Danny Hargis commented on your status: "Well said Eric! However you missed coffee…"
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Michelle Lilley likes your status: "Anything that’s been created is NOT…"
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Shawn Phillips likes your status: "A couple epic videos then time for bed"
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Adam DeHart likes your link: "Joe Rogan || You are the Universe…"
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Ernesto Ramirez posted in The Quantified Self: "We’re starting up another round of QS Co-Labs to…"
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Mike Troyan commented on a link you shared: "Pretty deep for someone who only recently…"
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Rebecca Stevens commented on a link you shared: "that’s cool!"
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Christian Gunning likes your status: "It’s a busy week but making an…"
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Eric Schiller commented on a photo you shared: "So your phone will just kill itself searching for…"
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Christian Gunning likes your comment: "I think this is a solution for the…"
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Shawn Phillips likes your status: "Spending some time on the car ride…"
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Bryan Langer likes your link: "The Sun’s magnetic field is about to…"
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CChaos CChaos also commented on his link: "Steve Curless, you’re welcome! haters gonna hate…"
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CChaos CChaos and Abby Martin like your comment: "I’ve somehow followed both her personal…"
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Joost Plattel commented on your status: "Yay! How do you backward engineer it? Sniffing…"
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Trevin Beattie likes your status: "Love Solvang! After a meet n’ greet…"
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Ciaran Lyons likes your comment: "I know I say this every time, but I’m…"
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Larry Frank Langer commented on your status: "you have electricity?"
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Joost Plattel likes your comment: "I can never wait though"
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Dean Blue commented on your post: "this is DEan eRics DAd l love SOl Vang too."
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Keegan T Burkholder (friends with Mark Alan Effinger) also commented on Mark Alan Effinger’s photo: "My Dad drilled work ethic into me, and my mother…"
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Eric Schiller commented on your status: "Were they selling you advice?"
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Danny Hargis likes your comment: "Caffeine runs through my veins 24/7, so…"
(Visited 158 times, 1 visits today)

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