Breathing Life Into Blogging Again

Let me start off by saying – yes, I am still very active and the blog is alive! Consider this post a resurrection of sorts. 🙂 With that said, I’ll keep this short and sweet. Stay tuned for some upcoming posts. As usual the exact category of this blog is, well, uncategorizable. Over the years I’ve blogged about topics ranging from technology, mind mapping, philosophy, personal development, etc. And, have recently been very focused on the Quantified Self movement and really, health and fitness in general. I don’t have any definite plans but the topics will probably gravitate more towards the tech and sensor side of QS, and I’ll also introduce some articles on health and fitness. Most of my online presence these days has been primary on Facebook and Twitter, but I still think there’s great value in doing some deeper dive articles and really just sharing some of the quirky things that interest me. I’m hoping this is some good news if there are any readers still out there 🙂