Weekly Lifestream for April 10th

Weekly Lifestream for April 10th

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New Blog Post – Firefox Scrapbook Hacks – Viewing and Saving Webpages from Anywhere! http://eric-blue.com/?p=1444 [ericblue]
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Use Side ‘Procrastination Projects’ To Become More Productive http://v.zite.com/hXtjdD | My Technique [ericblue]
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2nd Try for Source Code… Hoping to avoid another RuntimeException with the projector. [ericblue]
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Sitting in the office and wishing I was outdoors hiking. I haven’t done any serious hiking for the last 4-5 months and need to get out there [ericblue]
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Backup plan for my backup plan? If JungleDisk ever goes away, verify their released code compiles and works so I can still access my data [ericblue]
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RT @Flipbooks: “I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief” ~Gerry Spence #quote [ericblue]
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RT @mashabletech: Massive Email Breach Exposes Data From 50+ Major Retailers, Including Target – http://on.mash.to/gpuynO [ericblue]
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Thinking that Santa Barbara is calling my name…… [ericblue]
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Pandora subpoenaed in information-sharing inquiry | Seattle Times Newspaper http://t.co/uvNJ014 [ericblue]
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RT @flowingdata: Movies with multiple Harry Pottery wizards http://datafl.ws/1ae [ericblue]
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RT @RWW: Fitango Helps You Keep Your Online Learning On Track http://rww.to/fmXMUv [ericblue]
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RT @lifehacker: Take a screenshot tour around Ubuntu 11.04 ("Natty Narwhal") and its major interface overhaul: http://lifehac.kr/hLtbkq [ericblue]
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Sore today… did leg press machine with all the weight last night (400+lbs). Ouch. [ericblue]
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RT @cdashiell: You can’t write a good novel with only right-wing characters. They would just repeat banal talking points to each other. [ericblue]
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Cool technology I want to check out plus BEST URL Ever! http://octobot.taco.cat/ [ericblue]
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RT @baoch: Quora: The Stats Behind the Buzz [INFOGRAPHIC] | @scoopit http://bit.ly/gIxaDh [ericblue]
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RT @TechCrunch: Can The Internet Make You Healthier? http://tcrn.ch/gyXHlm [ericblue]
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The 24 Best Apps to Remember Everything You Discover Online http://v.zite.com/ewKXod [ericblue]
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RT @obinine: Facebook open sources its servers and data centre design – http://ow.ly/1spk0E // pretty cool [ericblue]
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Dropbox authentication: insecure by design http://v.zite.com/f8GxgW | scary [ericblue]
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RT @DavidHolzmer: Free documentary online: American Philosopher | Eight short films about philosophy in America http://ow.ly/4vFCb [ericblue]
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Starting early on my short break from tech for a few days… Reading the Ego Tunnel [ericblue]
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RT @radar: The convergence of biometrics, location and surveillance is fascinating and slightly scary http://oreil.ly/heloVw #where20 [ericblue]
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RT @radar: Who new opening and closing tickets could be fun? All leaderboards should look like this http://bit.ly/eHL8UQ [ericblue]
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RT @pickover: Professor devotes his life to the study of a single mystery number: 6174. http://tinyurl.com/44csv2h [ericblue]
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RT @WiIlFerreII: I changed all my passwords to ‘ incorrect’. So my computer just tells me when I forget. [ericblue]
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In Solvang, drinking wine everything’s fine [ericblue]
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