Weekly Lifestream for June 20th

Weekly Lifestream for June 20th

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Tinkering with too many languages: Java, Perl, PHP and now Ruby… can’t keep up [ericblue]
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Wouldn’t it be so much more fun if everybody thought the world was coming to a beginning? #philosophy [ericblue]
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That’s my first question for sell…. the price is the square root of -1 [ericblue]
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Shared XIBO.
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OMG old Nintendo cheat code (up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A-ENT) works on newsweek.com – funny easter egg [ericblue]
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True test of a geek is if you smile from ear-ear after reading that last tweet. That code is permanently committed to memory. [ericblue]
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6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_lightning_strikes_jesus_statue | Oh Snap [ericblue]
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The Three Most Common Uses of Irony http://theoatmeal.com/comics/irony [ericblue]
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A good webdev link, and coincidentally another form of irony | ScriptJunkie Microsoft and cross-browser code? http://tinyurl.com/38olx5n [ericblue]
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Finally reading through the comments of the lightening strike statue post… convinced that 98% of comments & posters are certifiably insane [ericblue]
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I’m going to write a social media app that lets you rate comments on various sites to gauge ridiculousness / lunacy /iodacy [ericblue]
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I’m all for tolerance but come on people: statue hit by lightening and burning != will of supernatural power OR words written down somewhere [ericblue]
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RT @DavidHolzmer: America, Land of the Irrational | Psychology Today http://ow.ly/1YZ6n | Wow, how relevant & perfect timing [ericblue]
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RT @philo_quotes: Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. ~ Epictetus http://bit.ly/bhVoz8 [ericblue]
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Working on a cool (possible multi-month) project: dashboards, pkm & productivity. Future posts 4 sure. [ericblue]
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Awesome (I think)! My Fight Club reference resulted in an autoreply with a quote from the movie from IAmJacksBot [ericblue]
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RT @IAmJacksBot: @ericblue But you’re intolerable! You have very serious emotional problems. Deep seated problems for which you should seek [ericblue]
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Drinking coffee and listening to spooky dark ambient music is an odd combo… moving on [ericblue]
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Usually don’t follow basketball (or sports in general) but man that was a great game … & series! [ericblue]
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RT @raster: re: Fitbit… Perl to the rescue? http://eric-blue.com/projects/fitbit/ || Thanks for the RT! Go Perl!! 🙂 [ericblue]
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Shared Pageflakes.
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RT @roygrubb: re @MarkDykeman: I dig this concept of graphic recording, … http://bit.ly/92QGVH >> Like Nancy Margulies Mindscap … [ericblue]
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It happened again! Google a topic I’m researching and my blog comes up in the top 10… Memo to Google.. I don’t have the answer!! 🙂 [ericblue]
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RT @philo_quotes: And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ~ Confucius http://bit.ly/dlCIN1| thought that was Yogi Berra 🙂 [ericblue]
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