Weekly Lifestream for March 11th

Weekly Lifestream for March 11th

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RT @NietzscheSays: the priest himself is seen as he actually is as the most dangerous form of parasite, as the venomous spider of creation. [ericblue]
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Oh that rascally Nietzsche [ericblue]
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That reminds me, I still need to buy my ‘Nietzsche is my co-pilot’ Tshirt http://amorphia-apparel.com/design/copilot/ [ericblue]
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Trying to fight a creative block is like trying to fight your way out of quicksand [ericblue]
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I think I really would like to write a book some day on the creative process, time management, and the psychology of procrastination…. [ericblue]
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However, I need to figure out how to find the time and stop putting it off… oh the cosmic irony [ericblue]
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I’m going to let my ideas incubate for a bit and see if they’re ready to bake this weekend [ericblue]
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If not, maybe some of my half-baked ideas could find a home at halfbakery.com [ericblue]
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… something will eventually happen [ericblue]
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How to Get Things Done by Robert Benchley (1949) http://bit.ly/6vpXx [ericblue]
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And it apparently boils down to this folks….. [ericblue]
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"… anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment." [ericblue]
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RT @HarryHistorian: The Egyptian pyramids are the only survivors of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.: http://bit.ly/aUPtoO [ericblue]
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Eighth wonder of the world? The stunning temples secretly carved out below ground by ‘paranormal’ eccentric http://bit.ly/WH32y [ericblue]
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Your high IQ will kill your startup http://bit.ly/ao6gdK [ericblue]
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RT @tonyrobbins: Microsoft’s I Pad killer. Looks interesting but I’m a raving Apple fan. Not sure Microsoft can make anything great? htt … [ericblue]
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Conan – You know you’re famous when you can make somebody else somewhat famous just by following them on Twitter http://bit.ly/aTizJ3 [ericblue]
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Trying some bananna bread beer & following up with some Thai food. We’ll see how that goes…. [ericblue]
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Checking out Dead Snow on Netflix… I suppose that only thing scarier than zombies are Nazi zombies… in the snow ….. with subtitles [ericblue]
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Interesting day so far… Now getting ready for a massage [ericblue]
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RT @heidiko44: Looks Gr8 RT 10 Alien-Looking Places on Earth (oddee.com) http://bit.ly/g87NO #Travel #Geography via @Flipbooks [ericblue]
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OK… I have 2 History channels to choose from. #1 werewolfs and #2 giant monster squids Why didn’t they teach this history in school? [ericblue]
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Fun to watch, but maybe one step closer to making Idiocracy a reality? [ericblue]
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New 8GB drive… oh the possibilities. Any recommendation for cool portable apps? [ericblue]
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5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted http://bit.ly/bmI2ZD [ericblue]
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RT @bkm411a: My favorite suite (for now) is Lupo Pensuite: www.lupopensuite.com Also read the Lifehacker review http://ow.ly/1fRJV [ericblue]
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Watching the Examined Life on Netflix #philosophy #documentary [ericblue]
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RT @roygrubb: Hundreds of Twitter Accounts Hacked [WARNING] (Mashable) http://bit.ly/cUuyL2 [ericblue]
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RT @lucianop: How to Learn (Almost) Anything http://bit.ly/VgEKT (by @ViperChill, 1yr ago) [ericblue]
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… I’ll take a brief metaphysical detour… regardless of beliefs, I felt pretty humbled the 1st time I read Blavatsky… deep stuff [ericblue]
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Wikipedia – Unusual Articles http://bit.ly/39NFg5 [ericblue]
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Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – Fear of the number 666 – eak! [ericblue]
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OMG Time Cube FTW http://bit.ly/VlaI8 [ericblue]
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Robert Shields – You think you are hooked on recording every detail of your life..? http://bit.ly/8oNeq9 [ericblue]
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Chess boxing – A sport that alternates rounds of speed chess and boxing. http://bit.ly/icIQ [ericblue]
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Ding Hai effect – A sudden drop in the stock market whenever Hong Kong actor Adam Cheng stars in a new TV show. http://bit.ly/bqjSPC [ericblue]
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Axinomancy – Foretelling the future by looking at an axe or hatchet. http://bit.ly/bI1DdM [ericblue]
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Flying Pigs – "With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine". http://bit.ly/abffP9 [ericblue]
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ok, I can’t stop… either going to gain or lose followers 🙂 [ericblue]
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List of animals with fraudulent diplomas – Your pet may be smarter than you. http://bit.ly/6L4qZY [ericblue]
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Centralia, Pennsylvania – A town that’s been on fire since 1962. http://bit.ly/16TQib [ericblue]
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Bloop – Does a mystery sound from the bottom of the sea indicate that Cthulhu may awake…? http://bit.ly/3jZoO [ericblue]
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Phantom time hypothesis – A theory that the Early Middle Ages (614–911) never occurred. Welcome to 1713. http://bit.ly/1g3JNL [ericblue]
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Flatulist – professional farters of medieval Ireland were called braigetori http://bit.ly/aYflXH [ericblue]
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And finally IP over Avian Carriers http://bit.ly/18ZRwP [ericblue]
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RT @duffmcduffee: Hulk Hogan’s Hulkamania Workout Set http://bit.ly/a2rZhB | Whatcha Gonna Do When The Hulkster Runs Wild on You!? [ericblue]
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The 22 minute meeting http://bit.ly/cHVMBV [ericblue]
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RT @jackiegerstein: New Book The Genius in All of Us: Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Genetics, Talent, and IQ Is Wrong = http://b … [ericblue]
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Crazy busy day… must make (not find) time to meditate [ericblue]
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Also going to try to run for the 1st time in 2 months… hoping my back holds up [ericblue]
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A day in the life of a Programmer 1.0 http://i.imgur.com/pdpIk.png [ericblue]
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Thinking about "Ultradian" rhythms & how physical cycles influence creativity (BRAC-Basic Rest Activity Cycle) http://tinyurl.com/yassq5h [ericblue]
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